Starting the Refresh of an SAP System
The purpose of the process definition SCP_Initialize_Refresh is to schedule a refresh of an SAP system at a specific time in the future.
- Configuration: the name of the refresh configuration
- Date and time of the refresh: when to start the refresh
When executed, an email notification about the upcoming refresh will be sent out to users and the actual refresh will be scheduled for the chosen time and date.
This chain runs the refresh process of an SAP system.
- Configuration: the name of the refresh configuration
- Step through the refresh phases: if set to Yes the jobs representing the refresh phases will be scheduled on hold. The default value is *No”. Holding the jobs may help when resolving errors during the refresh, for example if some steps of the refresh should be excluded from running because they are not needed this time (anymore) or because they were performed manually.
This process chain drives the refresh by executing the refresh phases in a certain sequence.
The refresh process consists now of the following phases:
- Prepare: prepares the refresh and ensures that the refresh is not already running
- Send email: sends out an email to users to notify them about the refresh
- Initialize Source: retrieves data from the source system needed to run the refresh, for example type of the database
- Initialize Target: retrieves data from the target system needed to run the refresh, for example type of the database and operating system
- Pre-processing Source: performs pre-processing tasks in the source system. This step is skipped in the default configuration.
- Pre-processing Target: performs pre-processing tasks in the target system. Typical tasks in this phase include retrieving and preserving the data from the target SAP system.
- Copy Source: performs tasks in the source system related to copying over the database to the target system. This step is skipped in the default configuration.
- Copy Target: tasks to overwrite the target database
- Post-Processing Source: performs tasks in the source system after the database was copied over. This step is skipped in the default configuration.
- Post Processing Target: performs the post-processing tasks on the target system. Among others this includes importing the exported data, flipping various settings to point to the target system, and cleaning out stale data.
- Finish Source: performs tasks in the source system after the refresh. This step is skipped in the default configuration.
- Finish Target: finishes up the refresh
All steps of this chain but the first two use the same process definition: SCP_Execute_Phase
This process definition automatically starts the actual process definitions / chains that drive the given refresh phase. All it needs is the name of the refresh configuration (which it gets from the SCP_Perform_Refresh chain) and the name of the refresh phase.
The value of the parameter Phase of the refresh process is used to pick the process definition / chain for the given phase by using the first one found in the following order:
If no process definition or chain is found, then the phase is skipped all together.
Flavor: Main Landscape: QA Configuration: PRC_QRC Phase: Initialize_Source
The process definition or chain is searched in the following order
- PRC_QRC_Initialize_Source
- QA_Initialize_Source
- Main_Initialize_Source
- Initialize_Source
See Also