Mail Configuration
The System Copy module provides a process definition called SCP_Send_Mail. This process definition can be used to notify users by email and optionally ask for confirmation.
If confirmation is requested, the execution of the refresh process will be paused until this confirmation is received.
The recipients of the email can be maintained using a Redwood SAP System Copy Tool tables. The default table is SAPSystemCopy_Mail. This allows subscribing users to certain steps of the process without having to modify the chains.
The first column "Key" holds the email address of a user or a user group. Since this is the key column of the table, the email addresses used here need to be unique.
:The column "NAME" holds the name of the user or the user group as it will be used in the emails sent out by the SAP System Copy Tool.
The column "LISTS" takes the comma-separated names of the recipient lists defined in the SAP System Copy Tool.
In this particular example the user group called "SAP Basis QA Team" is subscribed to the SCP recipient lists "NotifyRefresh" and "FinishRefresh".
The process definition SCP_Send_Mail provides a parameter called "Recipient List" (technical name "MAILING_LIST"), which defines:
- whom to send the email to
- which email process definition be used for sending the email
At runtime SCP_Send_Mail uses the recipient list to determine which email process definition to start.
The actual emails are sent out via specially crafted process definitions of type Mail which are automatically started by SCP_Send_Mail based on the recipient list.
The process definition used for sending out the email is the first one found using the following order:
<config_name>_Mail_<recipient list>
<landscape>_Mail_<recipient list>
<flavor>_Mail_<recipient list>
Mail_<recipient list>
Flavor: Main Landscape: QA Configuration: PRC_QRC Recipient list: NotifyRefresh
-> SCP_Send_Mail checks the existence of the following process definitions and starts the first one found as a child process:
- PRC_QRC_Mail_NotifyRefresh
- QA_NotifyRefresh
- Main_NotifyRefresh
- Mail_NotifyRefresh
Only the process parameters "Mail_To" and "SAP_SYSTEMS" will be automatically set on the mail process. Any other parameter needed in the process has to be set using REL.
See Also