Monitoring and Managing Processes
The processes monitor is part of the Monitoring section in the navigation bar and gives a central overview of all processes and their statuses on all managed servers in any queue. From the processes monitor process definition can be monitored as they execute and you can perform a number of actions on the processes. The chains monitor displays a number of properties of processes in columns, which can be customized, to give you an up-to-date overview of the processes and their states.
The processes monitor consists of two panes:
- The processes monitor pane displays a hierarchy of all processes that match a chosen filter.
- The process preview pane displays extensive run-time data of the currently selected process.
The preview pane will show process details. A diagram similar to the chain definition edit diagram is available from the context-menu for chains. To view the details of a chain or chain process, choose the ID.
On clusters with multiple nodes, ID's are not necessarily sequential in time. Each node in the cluster will have a range of ID's.
Searching Processes
You can use the IntelliSearch box to search for processes. See the Advanced Process Search topic for more information.
Editing Processes with Submit Frames or Recurrences
When you edit a process, you can change the scheduled start time, queue or other properties of the process, as long as it has not reached the Running status. This is done, using the actions under Scheduling.
You can also edit the properties for the entire recurrence of the recurrence.
Recurrences that are defined by a submit frame can be influenced by changes made to a process. This behavior can be customized with Restart Behavior. The default actions and respective consequences are outlined below:
- Hold - will interrupt the recurrence if you hold all pre-submit processes at the same time
- Cancel - will cancel the recurrence if you canceled all pre-submit processes at the same time
- Kill - has no effect on the recurrence
- Resubmit/Restart - will duplicate the recurrence
You edit a recurrence using the actions on the process; for recurrence processes, you decide if you want to edit the process or recurrence via a dialog. Edited processes leave the recurrence. Changes to recurrences effect all processes that have not reached the status Running. If you want control over which processes are affected, put the processes on Hold to ensure you have enough time to perform the change. Once you have finished adapting the recurrence, do not forget to release all processes you held.
Process Promotion
Process promotion allows you to export job-properties to remote Redwood Server systems; this functionality allows you to recreate the environment of the process on the remote system; the process definition and other related objects of the process, such as time windows, the submit frame, and queue. Process promotion does not send output files or any objects that resulted from the execution of the process, such as operator messages and notes, for example.
Processes support the basic context-menu actions of Help, Refresh, Close tab, and Close all other tabs.
Processes have additional context-menu actions:
Action | Description |
Scheduling > Edit | Edit scheduling data of the process. To edit a process, it must be in an initial state, not Running. |
Scheduling > Resubmit | submit a new process based on this process (same definition, parameters, and so on). This will pop up the new window to edit the values before the process is submitted. |
Scheduling > Hold | this will hold the process and recurrence (if any), preventing it from being executed until it is manually released. |
Scheduling > Release | this will release the process, allowing it to be executed automatically when all its scheduling constraints are met. |
Scheduling > Enable | this enables a previously disabled chain step or process. |
Scheduling > Disable | this disables a previously enabled chain step or process. |
Scheduling > Kill | kill a running process by sending it a signal to stop running. Killing a process may not always be instantaneous. For chains, this will kill all currently running chain processes in the chain. |
Scheduling > Cancel | cancel a process that has not yet started running. This will prevent the process from ever starting. For chains, this will cancel all chain processes in the chain that have not yet started; running chain processes are allowed to reach a final status. |
Scheduling > Restart | submit and start a new chain based on this chain (same definition, parameters, and so on). This will submit and start the chain immediately, without prompting. Note that the value of the Hold on Submit scheduling parameter is carried over to the new chain process, however, it is ignored; the chain process will start as soon as possible. |
Scheduling > Restart from Error | Restart a chain from the step that reached status Error, Killed, or Unknown; identical to Restart for processes not in a chain. |
Scheduling > Run Now | The process or chain process is started as soon as possible, regardless of any locks of events it depends on. |
Event Handling > Add raise event | Add a raise event to the current process, only available for processes that have a pre-running state. |
Event Handling > Add wait event | Add a wait event to the current process and optionally clear the event, only available for processes that have a pre-running state. |
Reply to Operator Messages | Reply to the operator messages related to the process. |
Add Note | Add a note to the process. |
New Alert Rule | Allows you to create a new alert rule for the process with a default Name and Name Pattern. |
Update | This process has not yet started and uses an old copy of the process definition; you can update it to use the latest version of the process definition. |
Promote > Promote to system | Promote the object to a remote system. |
Promote > Edit further then promote | Edit the export rule set prior to promoting. |
Delete | Delete the process, it has to be in a final state. If its state is pre-running, you must cancel it first. If the process is running, you must kill it before you can delete it. |
Remove Old Processes | Remove old processes that have reached a final status. |
Explain process Status | Explain the current status, only works if the current status is Queued. |
Show diagram | Show the process in a diagram, useful for chains and SAP process chains. |
Show context | Show the process in its context, if it is part of a chain, show the whole chain expanded to the process. |
Show error | Show the process that reached status Error. |
Get Support Files | Allows you to retrieve the log files and operator messages that can help you troubleshoot a problem. Only available for process that have reached status Unknown or Error. |
Edit Definition | Edit the process definition of the process. |
Monitor process resolution | Opens a process monitor with an IntelliSearch of toplevel: jde:GLOBAL.Training_ProcessMonitor_QuarterClose status:Scheduled,Held,Modified,Never; displaying all processes of the definition in status Scheduled, Held, Modified, or Never. |
Show permalinks | Display the permalinks to this process, which can be used from third-party applications. |
Add to navigation bar | Add the current object to the navigation bar. |
Expand All | Expand the chain. |
Forecast Processes | Create a forecast overview of selected processes according to a filter or system-wide. |
Filter > Create Filter | Create a filter. |
Filter > Edit Filter | Edit the current filter. |
Filter > New Filter | Create a filter. |
Filter > Edit Filter | Edit the current filter. |
Filter > Delete Filter | Delete the current filter. |
Filter > Duplicate Filter | Copy the current filter. |
Filter > Export Filter | Export the current filter. |
Filter > Add to navigation bar | Add the current filter to the navigation bar. |
Filter > Create filter from search | Create a filter from the IntelliSearch. |
The detail pane shows the different values listed in the Values section below. Among these are files, which can be viewed, downloaded, and deleted once the process has completed.
Recurrence States
Repeating processes are in recurrences; processes in a recurrences share the common repetition pattern. A recurrence can have a JobGroupStatus:
Status | Status Code | Description |
Active | A | The recurrence has processes in a non-final state. |
Held | H | The recurrence was put on hold. |
FinishedJobCount | C | The recurrence is finished because the maximum number of processes has been reached. |
FinishedEndDate | D | The recurrence is finished because the end date has been reached. |
FinishedManually | M | The recurrence is finished on a user request. For example, a user cancelled the repetition. |
FinishedSubmitFrame | S | The recurrence is finished because the submit frame does not have a next submit time. |
You change a recurrence and its state by using the actions under the Recurrence action group.
To view parameters of a job:
- Choose the Refresh to update existing processes and show new processes.
- Choose an auto-refresh interval.
- Expand a chain, notice the child steps.
- Expand a step.
- Select a chain process, notice that the detail pane appears.
- Scroll down and expand the Parameters group.
- The overview displays the value when the chain process started (In Value) and the value once it finished (Out Value) of every parameter (if applicable).
- Expand the Files node. These are the output files of the chain process.
- Choose a file to view its contents.
More information about the available columns in the processes monitor ca be found in the Available Columns in the Processes Monitor section of the documentation.