File Events on Microsoft Windows Process Servers
File events allow you to raise events in Redwood Server as soon as a file arrives. The files must reside on a file system that the user who starts the network-processor
has access to, by default. The FileEventCredentials process server parameter allows you to specify a credential for file lookups.
For each file event, you specify a process server, a directory path, and a file pattern, when a file matching the pattern is detected, the event is raised. You specify a move directory to clearly see which files have been detected. When you use the Check if file is in use property of file events on Microsoft Windows, which is set by default, Redwood Server will wait until the file handle is released on the file. This usually means that the process that has generated the file has finished writing to it. There is no program built-in to Microsoft Windows that allows you to check if the file handle has been closed. You can use Process Explorer or Unlocker, the latter is easier to use to check if there are open handles on a file, however, it is not standalone and requires you to install it unlike Process Explorer, that can just be copied over.
The time required for Redwood Server to pick up a file should usually not take longer than Poll Interval + 5 seconds, unless the platform agent is under heavy load.
Platform process servers that use file events require at least one of the following keys:
- ProcessServerService.External.limit - the total number of external process servers (Platform agents, distinct web service endpoints, and SAP connectors).
- ProcessServerService.OS.limit - the total number of platform agent process servers.