class |
AmbiguousBrowseableProcessServerServiceException |
ProcessServers can never have multiple browsable ProcessServerServices.
class |
CredentialEncodingException |
Failed to encode/decode the credentials.
class |
CredentialNotExternallyAvailableException |
class |
CredentialNotFoundException |
No valid credential could be found.
class |
DateTimeConstantOutOfBoundsException |
A day has been entered that is out of the specified allowed range.
class |
DirtyListNotEmptyException |
The dirty list on the session is not empty, therefore the requested operation cannot be completed
class |
DuplicateKeyException |
The database is in an inconsistent state, found a duplicate primary key.
class |
ExportException |
Base class for exceptions relating to exporting objects.
class |
ExtensionPointURLException |
The URL for the requested extension could not be generated for the reason specified.
class |
FileException |
Failure to retrieve the file content, likely permanent in nature.
class |
FileTransientException |
Failure to retrieve the file content, likely transient in nature.
class |
ImportOverrideException |
An import override rule could not be applied to an object.
class |
InactiveUserCannotLoginException |
A user that has been marked as inactive cannot login.
class |
IncorrectFormatRuntimeException |
An expression is not syntactically correct.
class |
InsufficientLicensesException |
Cannot create more objects than the license allows.
class |
InvalidLicensableItemValueException |
The value for the given key is not valid.
class |
InvalidObjectNameException |
The name of the object is invalid
class |
JobFileException |
Failure to retrieve the job-file, likely permanent in nature.
class |
JobFileTransientException |
Failure to retrieve the job-file, likely transient in nature.
class |
JobHasNoParentException |
Operation requires that the Job has a parent, but it does not.
class |
JobNotFoundRuntimeException |
A request was made for a job, however the job did not exist.
class |
LicenseException |
License violation.
class |
ListDirectoryException |
Failure to retrieve the directory content, likely permanent in nature.
class |
ListDirectoryTransientException |
Failure to retrieve the directory content, likely transient in nature; a retry may succeed.
class |
ListOSUserSessionsException |
Failure to list user sessions
class |
MailInvalidArmorException |
Failed by encoding/decoding armor
class |
ModifiedJobDefinitionCannotBePreparedException |
Only clean JobDefinitions can be prepared.
class |
NoTimeZoneForTimeWindowCalculation |
No timezone could be found to calculate this TimeWindowElement.
class |
NotWithinAChainException |
This job is neither a step nor a call of a JobChain
class |
ObjectCreationNotAllowedException |
The object could not be created since it would violate the object constraints.
class |
ObjectDeletedException |
The object has been marked for deletion, no operations are allowed on the object anymore.
class |
ObjectMutableInOtherSubSessionException |
The object is already on the dirtylist in another subsession.
class |
ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException |
The object is not attached to a session, and cannot be used anymore.
class |
ObjectNotFromSameSessionException |
The object used for assignment is not from the same session as the object it is being assigned to
class |
ParameterDefaultValueUnavailableException |
An error was encountered while evaluating a default parameter value.
class |
ParameterWrongTypeException |
A Parameter was set, but using the wrong type of data.
class |
PendingEventsNotAllowedException |
Cannot raise event; isPendingEventsAllowed is false and the event is already raised.
class |
PerformRFCActionException |
Failure to perform the RFC action, likely permanent in nature.
class |
PerformRFCActionPasswordExpiredException |
Failure to perform the RFC action, likely password expired.
class |
PerformRFCActionTransientException |
Failure to perform the RFC action, likely transient in nature; a retry may succeed.
class |
PerformSocketOperationException |
An IO or other system exception occurred while performing a socket operation
class |
PerformSocketOperationTransientException |
An IO or other system exception occurred while performing a socket operation.
class |
PeriodFunctionErrorException |
Internal error in a period function.
class |
PeriodFunctionNoInterfaceException |
Period functions should implement the PeriodFunctionCalculator interface.
class |
PersistenceFactoryInstantiationException |
Unable to configure and/or retrieve a low level persistence factory.
class |
ProcessServerCheckException |
Thrown during the validation or execution of a Process Server Check
class |
ProcessServerCheckFailException |
A Process Server Check failed to meet the defined threshold(s)
class |
ProcessServerCheckSystemException |
An IO or other system exception occurred while executing a Process Server Check
class |
ProcessServerCheckValidateException |
The attributes defined for a Process Server Check failed validation
class |
RecurrenceException |
Error during computing recurrence.
class |
RecurrencePatternException |
Error in the recurrence pattern.
class |
ReportGenerationException |
The report generation failed.
class |
ReportValidationException |
The report validation failed.
class |
ReturnCodeMappingUnavailableException |
An error was encountered while evaluating the return code mapping.
class |
SchedulerAPIException |
Baseclass for checked exceptions thrown by the API.
class |
SchedulerAPIForeignKeyException |
Unable to persist.
class |
SchedulerAPIInvalidObjectTypeException |
The string passed in does not represent a valid ObjectType.
class |
SchedulerAPIInvalidRestrictedEnumerationException |
Invalid enumeration value.
class |
SchedulerAPIInvalidStringLiteralException |
Invalid string literal.
class |
SchedulerAPINoRowsUpdatedException |
The persist call did not update any rows in the database.
class |
SchedulerAPIPersistenceException |
Unable to persist.
class |
SchedulerAPIPersistenceRuntimeException |
An exception occurred during the execution of a persistence layer method.
class |
SchedulerAPIRetriablePersistenceException |
Indicates an exception that can be potentially fixed by trying again.
class |
SchedulerAPIRuntimeException |
Baseclass for unchecked exceptions thrown by the API.
class |
SchedulerAPIUnavailableException |
The scheduler API is currently unavailable.
class |
SchedulerConfigurationException |
An error has occurred while trying to configure a Scheduler component.
class |
SchedulerCustomException |
Custom exception, isBestException() returns true so will be chosen by the UI.
class |
SchedulerCustomLowLevelException |
Custom low-level exception, isBestException() returns false so will not be chosen by the UI.
class |
SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException |
Custom low-level runtime exception, isBestException() returns false so will not be chosen by the UI.
class |
SchedulerCustomRuntimeException |
Custom runtime exception, isBestException() returns true so will be chosen by the UI.
class |
SchedulingParameterValueException |
An error was encountered while evaluating and/or applying a scheduling parameter.
class |
StepDoesNotExistException |
The JobChain does not contain the requested step
class |
SubjectNotCreatedException |
An error was encountered while evaluating and/or applying a scheduling parameter.
class |
TimeWindowElementConstraintOutOfBoundsException |
Attribute on a time window element is out of bounds.
class |
TimeWindowException |
An error occurred calculating the opening or closing of a time window.
class |
TimeWindowExpectedOpenWindowException |
CalculateNextClose should only be called on an open time window.
class |
TimeWindowNullOpeningTimeException |
Time window {0} cannot be called with a NULL opening time.
class |
UnlicensedFeatureException |
An attempt was made to use an unlicensed feature.
class |
UnsupportedObjectException |
The object that was passed in is of an incorrect type.
class |
UnsupportedPermaLinkException |
The URL for the requested purpose is not supported.
class |
UserMessageAttachmentException |
The user message attachment upload was denied or failed.