Package com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception
Scheduler API - Exceptions
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Since 8.0 (M33.2).-
Interface Summary Interface Description ExceptionRelatesToAPIObject This interface is implemented by exceptions that are caused by a schedulerentity. -
Exception Summary Exception Description AmbiguousBrowseableProcessServerServiceException ProcessServers can never have multiple browsable ProcessServerServices.CredentialEncodingException Failed to encode/decode the credentials.CredentialNotExternallyAvailableException Credential.getProtectedPassword()
may only called for credentials with theExternallyAvailable
flag set.CredentialNotFoundException No valid credential could be found.DateTimeConstantOutOfBoundsException A day has been entered that is out of the specified allowed range.DirtyListNotEmptyException The dirty list on the session is not empty, therefore the requested operation cannot be completedDuplicateKeyException The database is in an inconsistent state, found a duplicate primary key.ExportException Base class for exceptions relating to exporting objects.ExtensionPointURLException The URL for the requested extension could not be generated for the reason specified.FileException Failure to retrieve the file content, likely permanent in nature.FileTransientException Failure to retrieve the file content, likely transient in nature.ImportOverrideException An import override rule could not be applied to an object.InactiveUserCannotLoginException A user that has been marked as inactive cannot login.IncorrectFormatRuntimeException An expression is not syntactically correct.InsufficientLicensesException Cannot create more objects than the license allows.InvalidLicensableItemValueException The value for the given key is not valid.InvalidObjectNameException The name of the object is invalidJobFileException Failure to retrieve the job-file, likely permanent in nature.JobFileTransientException Failure to retrieve the job-file, likely transient in nature.JobHasNoParentException Operation requires that the Job has a parent, but it does not.JobNotFoundRuntimeException A request was made for a job, however the job did not exist.LicenseException License violation.ListDirectoryException Failure to retrieve the directory content, likely permanent in nature.ListDirectoryTransientException Failure to retrieve the directory content, likely transient in nature; a retry may succeed.ListOSUserSessionsException Failure to list user sessionsMailInvalidArmorException Failed by encoding/decoding armorModifiedJobDefinitionCannotBePreparedException Only clean JobDefinitions can be prepared.NoTimeZoneForTimeWindowCalculation No timezone could be found to calculate this TimeWindowElement.NotWithinAChainException This job is neither a step nor a call of a JobChainObjectCreationNotAllowedException The object could not be created since it would violate the object constraints.ObjectDeletedException The object has been marked for deletion, no operations are allowed on the object anymore.ObjectMutableInOtherSubSessionException The object is already on the dirtylist in another subsession.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException The object is not attached to a session, and cannot be used anymore.ObjectNotFromSameSessionException The object used for assignment is not from the same session as the object it is being assigned toParameterDefaultValueUnavailableException An error was encountered while evaluating a default parameter value.ParameterWrongTypeException A Parameter was set, but using the wrong type of data.PendingEventsNotAllowedException Cannot raise event; isPendingEventsAllowed is false and the event is already raised.PerformRFCActionException Failure to perform the RFC action, likely permanent in nature.PerformRFCActionPasswordExpiredException Failure to perform the RFC action, likely password expired.PerformRFCActionTransientException Failure to perform the RFC action, likely transient in nature; a retry may succeed.PerformSocketOperationException An IO or other system exception occurred while performing a socket operationPerformSocketOperationTransientException An IO or other system exception occurred while performing a socket operation.PeriodFunctionErrorException Internal error in a period function.PeriodFunctionNoInterfaceException Period functions should implement the PeriodFunctionCalculator interface.PersistenceFactoryInstantiationException Unable to configure and/or retrieve a low level persistence factory.ProcessServerCheckException Thrown during the validation or execution of a Process Server CheckProcessServerCheckFailException A Process Server Check failed to meet the defined threshold(s)ProcessServerCheckSystemException An IO or other system exception occurred while executing a Process Server CheckProcessServerCheckValidateException The attributes defined for a Process Server Check failed validationRecurrenceException Error during computing recurrence.RecurrencePatternException Error in the recurrence pattern.ReportGenerationException The report generation failed.ReportValidationException The report validation failed.ReturnCodeMappingUnavailableException An error was encountered while evaluating the return code mapping.SchedulerAPIException Baseclass for checked exceptions thrown by the API.SchedulerAPIForeignKeyException Unable to persist.SchedulerAPIInvalidObjectTypeException The string passed in does not represent a valid ObjectType.SchedulerAPIInvalidRestrictedEnumerationException Invalid enumeration value.SchedulerAPIInvalidStringLiteralException Invalid string literal.SchedulerAPINoRowsUpdatedException The persist call did not update any rows in the database.SchedulerAPIPersistenceException Unable to persist.SchedulerAPIPersistenceRuntimeException An exception occurred during the execution of a persistence layer method.SchedulerAPIRetriablePersistenceException Indicates an exception that can be potentially fixed by trying again.SchedulerAPIRuntimeException Baseclass for unchecked exceptions thrown by the API.SchedulerAPIUnavailableException The scheduler API is currently unavailable.SchedulerConfigurationException An error has occurred while trying to configure a Scheduler component.SchedulerCustomException Custom exception, isBestException() returns true so will be chosen by the UI.SchedulerCustomLowLevelException Custom low-level exception, isBestException() returns false so will not be chosen by the UI.SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException Custom low-level runtime exception, isBestException() returns false so will not be chosen by the UI.SchedulerCustomRuntimeException Custom runtime exception, isBestException() returns true so will be chosen by the UI.SchedulingParameterValueException An error was encountered while evaluating and/or applying a scheduling parameter.StepDoesNotExistException The JobChain does not contain the requested stepSubjectNotCreatedException An error was encountered while evaluating and/or applying a scheduling parameter.TimeWindowElementConstraintOutOfBoundsException Attribute on a time window element is out of bounds.TimeWindowException An error occurred calculating the opening or closing of a time window.TimeWindowExpectedOpenWindowException CalculateNextClose should only be called on an open time window.TimeWindowNullOpeningTimeException Time window {0} cannot be called with a NULL opening time.UnlicensedFeatureException An attempt was made to use an unlicensed feature.UnsupportedObjectException The object that was passed in is of an incorrect type.UnsupportedPermaLinkException The URL for the requested purpose is not supported.UserMessageAttachmentException The user message attachment upload was denied or failed.