Class PerformSocketOperationTransientException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExceptionData, Serializable

    public class PerformSocketOperationTransientException
    extends SchedulerAPIException
    An IO or other system exception occurred while performing a socket operation. The error is transient in nature and a retry may work. For example, the process server is down.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • PerformSocketOperationTransientException

        protected PerformSocketOperationTransientException​(String newErrorCode,
                                                           String messageFormat,
                                                           Throwable cause,
                                                           Object[] exceptionDataEN,
                                                           Object[] exceptionData)
      • PerformSocketOperationTransientException

        public PerformSocketOperationTransientException​(Throwable cause,
                                                        String message)
        An IO or other system exception occurred while performing a socket operation. The error is transient in nature and a retry may work. For example, the process server is down.
        cause - The originating exception, null if this is the originating exception
        message - A description of the exception