Class InsufficientLicensesException

    • Constructor Detail

      • InsufficientLicensesException

        protected InsufficientLicensesException​(String newErrorCode,
                                                String messageFormat,
                                                Throwable cause,
                                                Object[] exceptionDataEN,
                                                Object[] exceptionData)
      • InsufficientLicensesException

        public InsufficientLicensesException​(Throwable cause,
                                             LicensableItem featureKey,
                                             long amount,
                                             long limit)
        Cannot create more objects than the license allows.
        cause - The originating exception, null if this is the originating exception
        featureKey - Key of the license that was exceeded.
        amount - Number of objects trying to create, or number of objects currently present.
        limit - Maximum number of objects.