Built-in Web Services
Redwood Server has the following built-in web services:
- QueryJob1 - used to query a field of a process (status, return code, queue ...); available under
- QueryJob2 - used to query a field of a process, wait for it to reach a final status, and optionally retrieve output files; available under
- UpdateJob1 - used to set the status of a process (externally submitted asynchronous web service processes); available under
Queries properties of a process. By default returns all parameter and parameter values, its status and description. You specify any field, such as Queue
to retrieve the queue of the process.
Parameter | Description | Multiplicity | Mandatory |
Job ID | ID of the process to modify | 1 | x |
JobField | Any field of the process | 0-<n> |
Queries properties of a process. By default returns all parameter and parameter values, its status and description. You specify any field, such as Queue
to retrieve the queue of the process. Additionally, you can retrieve the files and other process data.
Parameter | Description | Multiplicity | Mandatory |
Job ID | ID of the process to modify | 1 | x |
JobField | Any field of the job | 0-<n> | |
JobFiles | Retrieve process files | 0-1 | |
JobData | Retrieve process data | 0-1 | |
WaitForFinal | Timeout to wait for the process to reach a final status | 0-1 |
The WaitForFinal parameter is an integer, so limited to max_int
or 2147483647
; the web service returns as soon as either the process reaches a final status or WaitForFinal is reached.
Update process works exclusively on processes that have status Running and an external completion strategy.
Parameter | Description | Multiplicity | Mandatory |
Job ID | ID of the process to modify | 1 | x |
Status | new status of the job | 0-1 | |
WaitForJob | let the caller wait for the process to complete | 0-1 | |
Description | new description for the process, will be displayed in the processes monitor | 0-1 | |
JobParameter/OutValue | out parameter value to set | 0-<n> | |
JobParameter/Name | name of the out parameter | 0-<n> | *Required if any other JobParameter field is set |
JobParameter/Format | format of the parameter | 0-<n> | |
JobNote | add a note to the job | 0-<n> |
Process ID is the only mandatory parameter; if this is the only parameter set, the result will be a no-op.
UpdateJob1 only works with running processes that have an external completion strategy. The code below illustrates the source of a simple RedwoodScript process definition for use with UpdateJob1:
Import com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.CompletionStrategyType;
//Set the completion strategy to External
You can publish this process definition as a web service which can then be called by your external system; once submitted it will remain in status Running until its status is set to a final status. This can be done using UpdateJob1 or RedwoodScript in Redwood Server.
Retrieve the queue of the process with ID 123
Parameter | Value |
Job ID | 123 |
JobField | Queue |
Retrieve the process files of the process with ID 123
Parameter | Value |
Job ID | 123 |
JobFiles | true |
Create a process definition for use with UpdateJob1
- Navigate to "Definitions > Processes".
- Choose New Process Definition from the context-menu.
- Select RedwoodScript and choose Next.
- Fill RS_ExternalJob into the Name field.
- Paste the above RedwoodScript code into the Source field of the process definition.
- On the Parameters tab, add a new parameter named MyParameter, in the Direction field, select Out.
- Choose Save & Close.
- Locate RS_ExternalJob in the overview and choose Submit from the context-menu.
- Select a queue and choose Submit, write down the ID. In the following examples, the ID
will be used, please adapt that value as necessary.
Set an Out parameter of process with ID 123
Parameter | Value |
Job ID | 123 |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/Name | MyParameter |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/OutValue | Updated from an external web service |
SOAP envelope of the above request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sch="scheduler.redwood.com">
<sch:OutValue>Updated from an external web service</sch:OutValue>
Set Array Parameters with UpdateJob1
Set an Out parameter (array of strings) of process with ID 123
Parameter | Value |
Job ID | 123 |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/Name | MyParameter |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/OutValue | Updated from |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/OutValue | an external web service |
SOAP envelope of the above request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sch="scheduler.redwood.com">
<sch:OutValue>Updated from</sch:OutValue>
<sch:OutValue>an external web service</sch:OutValue>
Set Time, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone Parameters
Set Out parameters of process with ID 123
; note that the names include the data type of the parameter after the My prefix.
Parameter | Value |
Job ID | 123 |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/Name | MyTime |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/OutValue | 15:30:25 |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/Name | MyDate |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/OutValue | 2023/11/16 |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/Name | MyDateTime |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/OutValue | 2023/11/16 23:59:59,000 |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/Name | MyDateTimeZone |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/OutValue | 2023/11/16 23:59:59,000 Europe/Amsterdam |
SOAP envelope of the above request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sch="scheduler.redwood.com">
<sch:OutValue>2023/11/16 23:59:59,000</sch:OutValue>
<sch:OutValue>2023/11/16 23:59:59,000 Europe/Amsterdam</sch:OutValue>
Multiple UpdateJob1 Requests
Update the description of process with ID 123
multiple times while the external process is running, set an out parameter value, finally, set the description and status
First call
Parameter | Value |
Job ID | 123 |
Description | 0wned by external web service, Initializing |
Second call
Parameter | Value |
Job ID | 123 |
Description | 0wned by external web service, Runnning |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/Name | MyParameter |
JobParameter/JobParameterValue/OutValue | Updated from an external web service |
Last call
Parameter | Value |
Job ID | 123 |
Status | Completed |
Description | 0wned by external web service, Completed |
UpdateJob1 Called from UNIX
Calling the web service from the UNIX command line. Note that if your Redwood Server uses HTTPS with a self-signed certificate, you have to pass -k
to curl.
#! /bin/sh
#Set Environment
DESCRIPTION="Updated by Curl"
#Call the web service
USERPASSWD=`jecho -base64 $user:$passwd`
curl -H 'SOAPAction: "update/Job/UpdateJob1"' -H "Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8" -H "Authorization:Basic $USERPASSWD" --data @- "${ENDPOINT}" <<EOF
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sch="scheduler.redwood.com">
Authentication is done by setting a HTTP header to "Authorization:Basic <base64>"
, where base64 is "
is different for the different built-in web services:
- queryJob1 -
- queryJob2 -
- updateJob1 -
You need to inspect the WSDL to write the XML.
Setting Multiple Fields with UpdateJob1 from UNIX
Setting some more fields of the job:
#! /bin/sh
#Set Environment
DESCRIPTION="Updated by Curl"
JOB_NOTE="Curl wrote this note"
#Call the web service
USERPASSWD=`jecho -base64 $user:$passwd`
curl -H 'SOAPAction: "update/Job/UpdateJob1"' -H "Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8" -H "Authorization:Basic $USERPASSWD" --data @- "${ENDPOINT}" <<EOF
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sch="scheduler.redwood.com">
Calling UpdateJob1 from Windows using VBS
You create the following two files and store them in the same directory.
Create a request.xml file with the following content:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sch="scheduler.redwood.com">
Create a UpdateJob1.vbs file with the following content, adapt the process ID:
option explicit
Dim oXMLDoc, oXMLHTTP, oXMLEnv, wsResponse, fso, MyFile, FileName
Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
Set oXMLDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Open the envelope file
FileName = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".") &"\request.xml"
Set MyFile = fso.OpenTextFile(FileName, 1)
oXMLEnv = MyFile.readAll
oXMLEnv = replace(oXMLEnv, "strDescription", "Updated with VBS")
oXMLEnv = replace(oXMLEnv, "strJobId", "123")
'Wscript.echo("request: " & oXMLEnv)
call oXMLHTTP.open("POST","http://pr1.example.com:53000/redwood/api-soap/update/Job/UpdateJob1",False, "Administrator", "MySecret")
call oXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction","update/Job/UpdateJob1")
if(oXMLHTTP.readyState = 4) then
wsResponse = oXMLHTTP.responseText
'Wscript.echo wsResponse
Wscript.echo "Success!"
Wscript.echo("Request failed ...")
end if
oXMLEnv = ""
wsResponse = ""
FileName = ""
set MyFile = nothing
set fso = nothing
set oXMLDoc = nothing
set oXMLHTTP = nothing