Chains Monitor Filter Columns
The following columns are available for the use in filters for user defined SQL:
Columns | Description |
Behavior | Determines the type of process, 0 and 1 are foreground, {2} stands for background processes |
ChildOrder | Order of the process in the parent/child relationship |
CreationTime | Time of creation |
CreationTimeZone | Time zone at creation time |
Description | process description, display name |
ForcedProcessServer | Value of the ForcedProcessServer scheduling parameter |
HoldOnSubmit | Value of the HoldOnSubmit scheduling parameter |
JobChainCall | Is this process a chain process? |
JobChainStep | Is this process a step? |
JobDefinition | The process definition |
JobGroup | The recurrence |
JobId | The unique ID of the job |
JobTimeZone | The time zone of the job |
KeepExpiration | Expiration |
KillSignal | The kill signal used to kill the process. |
LastModificationTime | The last modification time of the job |
LastModifierSubject | The last modifier |
MinimumOpenDuration | The minimum number of seconds that should be available in the time window of the process, the queue or the intersection of both, before this process will be submitted |
NextRecalculation | The next date on which the scheduled start time needs to be recalculated |
NextSubmitBaseTime | The time that will be used as a start time for the calculation of the next Requested Start Time for a process with a submit frame, or for the Requested Start Time of a new process where the process has an infinite Recurrence Pattern |
NumChildJobs | The number of child processes |
NumJobFiles | Number of files |
NumJobLocks | Number of locks |
NumJobMetaData | How many JobMetaData does this process have? |
NumJobNotes | Number of notes |
NumJobParameters | Number of parameters |
NumJobRaiseEvents | Number of raise events |
NumJobWaitEvents | Number of wait events |
OwnerSubject | Owner of the job |
ParentJob | The parent, if it exists |
PreviousProcessServer | The previous process server that this process was due to run on, but should be excluded (if possible) from running on next dispatch |
Priority | The priority of the job |
ProcessServer | The process server of the job |
Queue | The queue of the job |
QueueOrder | The order in the queue of the job |
RemoteCreationTime | The creation time of the process in the remote system |
RemoteEvent | The remote event |
RemoteId | The remote unique identifier |
RemoteRunEnd | The remote end time of the job |
RemoteRunStart | The remote start time of the job |
RemoteStatus | The remote status |
RemoteSystem | The remote system |
RequestedStartTimeInternal | The internal start time |
RequestedStartTimeType | Has the Requested Start Time been explicitly set by the user, or has it been inherited from the process's parent |
RequestedStatus | The requested status, stored so that it can be accessed (and set back to) during actions |
RestartCount | The number of times the process was restarted |
RestartJobId | The ID of the process that restarted this process |
ReturnCode | The return code of the job |
RunEnd | The end time of the job |
RunStart | The start time of the job |
RuntimeExpiration | The date on which action will be taken if the process has not completed |
SAPNWCallbackVariant | SAP NetWeaver callback variant. |
ScheduledStartTime | The scheduled start time of the job |
SearchDescription | The description converted to upper-case, used for searching. |
Status | The current status of the process |
StepIteration | The iteration starts at 1 (one). It is incremented when the steps are re-submitted when the current step moves backwards due to a status handler |
SubmitFrame | The submit frame of the job |
TimeWindow | The time window of the job |
TimeWindowTimeZone | The time zone of the time window attached to the job |
UniqueId | The unique ID of the job |