Interface SchedulerSession

    • Method Detail

      • executeQuery

        void executeQuery​(String query,
                          Object[] parameters,
                          APIResultSetCallback callback)
                   throws SchedulerAPIPersistenceException
        Execute the given query and return the object that represents it. The callback is only used to retrieve a new instance of the object.


          LongCallBack callback = new LongCallBack(1);
              jcsSession.executeQuery("select count(*) from Job where Job.Status = 'E'", null, callback);
            catch (Exception e)
              throw new RuntimeException(e);
          Long errCount = (Long) callback.getResult().get(0);
          if (errCount != null)
             jcsOut.println(errCount + " job(s) in status Error.");
        query - is the query that should be executed
        parameters - are the parameters for the query
        callback - is the callback object that is needed to retrieve a new instance of the object
        SchedulerAPIPersistenceException - if an error occurs during the execution of the query
      • executeObjectQueryLimit

        <T extends SchedulerEntityRWIterable<T> executeObjectQueryLimit​(QueryObjectType<T> type,
                                                                          String query,
                                                                          long rowLimit,
                                                                          Object... variables)
        Execute the given query, and return an RWIterable over the result. These objects will be from the sessions cache if they have already been retrieved in this session. The number of items returned by the iterator will not exceed rowLimit, unless rowLimit is negative, in which case the number of returned items will not be limited.

        If the given query starts with "select" then the query will be used as is, otherwise it will be appended to the string "select o.* from <T> o". This means that to select from multiple tables, this clause must begin with a ',', or be a fully specified select clause.


        Iterable<Job> iter = jcsSession.executeObjectQueryLimit(Job.TYPE, null, 10);
        Return 10 random Job objects from the system. The exact objects chosen will depend on the database parameters, and the execution order chosen by the database.
        Iterable<Job> iter = jcsSession.executeObjectQueryLimit(Job.TYPE, "select from Job o order by o.UniqueId", 10);
        Return the 10 Job objects from the system with the lowest UniqueIds.
        Iterable<Job> iter = jcsSession.executeObjectQueryLimit(Job.TYPE, "order by o.UniqueId", 10);
        Return the 10 Job objects from the system with the lowest UniqueIds.
        Iterable<Job> iter = jcsSession.executeObjectQueryLimit(Job.TYPE, ", Subject s where s.Name=? and s.Type=? and s.UniqueId=o.Owner order by o.UniqueId", 10, "Chris", SubjectType.User.getCodeExString());
        Return the 10 Job objects from the system with the lowest UniqueIds that were submitted by the user "Chris".
        Type Parameters:
        T - The return type of the SQL expression
        type - The class object to use to determine the type
        query - is the query that needs to be executed, this will be appended to the string "select o.* from <T> o", unless it starts with the string "select" in which case it will be used as is
        rowLimit - the maximum number of objects returned by the query, if this value is negative, then no limit is applied to the results
        variables - are the objects to be replaced in the query
        an RWIterable<T> over the result
        SchedulerAPIPersistenceRuntimeException - If an error has occurred while trying to execute the query. The underlying exception will have been set as the cause.
        See Also:
        executeObjectQuery(QueryObjectType, String, Object...)
      • executeObjectQuery

        <T extends SchedulerEntityRWIterable<T> executeObjectQuery​(QueryObjectType<T> type,
                                                                     String query,
                                                                     Object... variables)
        Execute the given query, and return an RWIterable over the result. These objects will be from the sessions cache if they have already been retrieved in this session. The number of items returned by the iterator will not be limited.

        If the given query starts with "select" then the query will be used as is, otherwise it will be appended to the string "select o.* from <T> o". This means that to select from multiple tables, this clause must begin with a ',', or be a fully specified select clause.


        Iterable<Job> iter = jcsSession.executeObjectQuery(Job.TYPE, null);
        Return all Job objects from the system. Note, in general this could return a lot of objects!
        Iterable<Job> iter = jcsSession.executeObjectQuery(Job.TYPE, "select * from Job");
        Return all Job objects from the system. Note, in general this could return a lot of objects!
        Iterable<Job> iter = jcsSession.executeObjectQuery(Job.TYPE, "order by o.UniqueId");
        Return all Job objects from the system, ordered by ascending UniqueId.
        Iterable<Job> iter = jcsSession.executeObjectQuery(Job.TYPE, ", Subject s where s.Name=? and s.Type=? and s.UniqueId=o.Owner order by o.UniqueId", 'Chris', SubjectType.User.getCodeExString());
        Return all Job objects from the system, ordered by ascending UniqueId, that were submitted by the user Chris.
        Iterable<Job> iter = jcsSession.executeObjectQuery(Job.TYPE, "select j.* from Job j, Subject s where s.Name=? and s.Type=? and s.UniqueId=j.Owner order by j.UniqueId", "Chris", SubjectType.User.getCodeExString());
        Return all Job objects from the system, ordered by ascending UniqueId, that were submitted by the user "Chris".
        Type Parameters:
        T - The return type of the SQL expression
        type - The class object to use to determine the type
        query - is the query that needs to be executed, this will be appended to the string "select o.* from <T> o", unless it starts with the string "select" in which case it will be used as is
        variables - are the objects to be replaced in the query
        an RWIterable<T> over the result
        SchedulerAPIPersistenceRuntimeException - If an error has occurred while trying to execute the query. The underlying exception will have been set as the cause.
        See Also:
        executeObjectQueryLimit(QueryObjectType, String, long, Object...)
      • persist

        void persist()
              throws SchedulerAPIPersistenceException
        Persist all dirty objects to the database. When this call returns successfully then all dirty objects will have been written to the database. This means that these objects will then be visible to queries from other Scheduler objects. These dirty objects will then be marked as being not-mutable, which means that any further modifications to those objects will throw an ObjectNotMutable exception. If an exception is thrown from the persist call, then none of the changes will have been applied to the database.
        SchedulerAPIForeignKeyException - If the persist failed because it would have otherwise violated data integrity constraints.
        SchedulerAPIPersistenceException - If an error has occurred while trying to persist the data to the database. The underlying exception will have been set as the cause.
      • detachSession

        void detachSession()
        Make it so that this SchedulerSession can be serialized. To be able to use this SchedulerSession again, it must be re-attached with attachSchedulerSession().
      • hasDirtyObjects

        boolean hasDirtyObjects()
        Does this session contain any unsaved data that needs to be persisted to the database. When this function returns true, it does contain any unsaved changes in this session.
        true when there are unsaved changes in the session, false if not
      • reset

        void reset()
        Re-initialize this schedulerSession. Calling this method will re-initialize this SchedulerSession so that it is in its original state, with the following exceptions:
        1. If setLocale(Locale) has been called, the Locale will not be reset.
        2. If setDefaultPartition(Partition) has been called, the default partition will not be reset.
      • resetObjects

        void resetObjects()
        Calling this method is equivalent to calling {SchedulerEntity#resetObject()} on every object that has been loaded in this session.
      • refreshObjects

        void refreshObjects​(SchedulerEntity[] objects)
        Clear all objects from the cache, except for the objects that are being passed in. The objects that are passed in will be reread from the database, and their collections will be reset. It will throw an exception if there are any dirty objects.
        objects - is an array of SchedulerEntity object that should be refreshed with the latest information from the database.
      • refreshObjects

        void refreshObjects​(List<? extends SchedulerEntity> objects)
        Clear all objects from the cache, except for the objects that are being passed in. The objects that are passed in will be reread from the database, and their collections will be reset. It will throw an exception if there are any dirty objects.
        objects - is a list of SchedulerEntity object that should be refreshed with the latest information from the database.
      • close

        void close()
        This method is deprecated, with no replacement

        Close the Scheduler session. This is not necessary to do, and is actually now implemented as a no-op. It was originally implemented as a method to help the garbage collector do its job, but this is no longer needed, just drop the reference to the session, and let the GC do its job.

      • setLocale

        void setLocale​(Locale locale)
        Set the current Locale that should be used by the SchedulerSession to find translations for values that support translation. If it is set to null (which is the default) it will not translate the fields that support it. If it is set, the SchedulerSession will first look for a translation for the given locale. If this is not available, it will return the translation for the server default locale. If this is also not available, it will return the key value for the translation.
        locale - is the new locale to set.
      • getLocale

        Locale getLocale()
        Retrieve the current session-specific Locale (for this session only).
        the current session-specific Locale, null if it is not set
      • getSystemLocale

        Locale getSystemLocale()
        Retrieve the current system-wide Locale
        the current system-wide Locale, if it is not set the default is taken from the JVM
      • translateField

        String translateField​(String text)
        This method will translate the given string according to the current locale. It will first check if a locale is set. If it is not set, it returns the passed-in string. If the string does not start with either of the translation prefixes (TranslationConstants.TRANSLATE_PREFIX and TranslationConstants.TRANSLATE_PREFIX_2) then the string that was passed in will be returned. If the string does start with one of the translation prefixes then the prefix is removed from the string and the rest of the string is used as the key for the lookup. The current locale on this SchedulerSession is the second part of the key. If a translation could not be found, it will return the passed-in string.
        text - is the key to use to search for a translation
        the translated string, or the string that was passed in when a translation could not be found.
      • translateKeys

        String[] translateKeys​(String[] keys)
        Do not use this method, since it prepends keys with TRANSLATE_PREFIX, it does work, but is not not recommended. Uses translateField to translate an array of keys.
        keys - to be translated
        translated strings
      • translateField

        String translateField​(BaseSchedulerEnumeration<?,​?> enum1)
        This method will translate the given enumeration value according to the current locale. It will first check if a locale is set. If it is not set, it returns the locale string for the enumeration. If a translation could not be found, it will return the locale string for the enumeration.
        enum1 - the enumeration value to use to search for a translation
        the translated string, or the string that was passed in when a translation could not be found.
      • getMonitorCheckByNameParent

        MonitorCheck getMonitorCheckByNameParent​(String name,
                                                 MonitorNode parentMonitorNode)
        use getMonitorCheckByParentName(MonitorNode, String) instead. Get the MonitorCheck by ParentName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        parentMonitorNode - the ParentMonitorNode that must be in the key.
        The MonitorCheck that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMonitorLinkByNameParent

        MonitorLink getMonitorLinkByNameParent​(String name,
                                               MonitorNode parentMonitorNode)
        use getMonitorLinkByParentName(MonitorNode, String) instead.

        Get the MonitorLink by ParentName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.

        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        parentMonitorNode - the ParentMonitorNode that must be in the key.
        The MonitorLink that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMonitorNodeByNameParent

        MonitorNode getMonitorNodeByNameParent​(String name,
                                               MonitorNode parentMonitorNode)
        use getMonitorNodeByParentName(MonitorNode, String) instead.

        Get the MonitorNode by ParentName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.

        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        parentMonitorNode - the ParentMonitorNode that must be in the key.
        The MonitorNode that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getRegistryEntryByParentPath

        RegistryEntry getRegistryEntryByParentPath​(RegistryEntry parent,
                                                   String path)
        Get a RegistryEntry for the given path. All path elements must be separated by RegistryEntry.PATH_SEPARATOR.
        parent - the parent registry entry (may be null for root).
        path - is the path to search for where every path element is separated by RegistryEntry.PATH_SEPARATOR
        the RegistryEntry for the given path, or null when the entry could not be found
      • getUserRegistryEntryByPath

        RegistryEntry getUserRegistryEntryByPath​(String path)
        Get a user RegistryEntry for the given path. All path elements must be separated by RegistryEntry.PATH_SEPARATOR, and the path must not start with RegistryEntry.PATH_SEPARATOR. Values under the user tree have the highest priority, followed by userclass and then system. However, if system has the attribute AllowOverride set, then that value is used, and the same goes for the attribute on the userclass value.
        path - is the path to search for where every path element is separated by RegistryEntry.PATH_SEPARATOR
        the RegistryEntry for the given path, or null when the entry could not be found
      • canPerform

        boolean canPerform​(String methodName)
        Query the object to check if the method name passed in is allowed for the current user.
        methodName - is the name of the method that the user wants to perform
        Return false when the user is not allowed to perform the method, true when it could not be determined that the user cannot perform the method. This means that when the method returns true, it is not guaranteed that the actual perform of the method could not still throw an exception.
      • sleep

        void sleep​(long sleepMillis)
            throws InterruptedException
        Sleep for a period of time before returning.
        sleepMillis - the length of time to sleep in milliseconds. (There are 1000 milliseconds in 1 second.)
        InterruptedException - if another thread has interrupted the current thread. The interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
      • hasGlobalPrivilege

        boolean hasGlobalPrivilege​(String... checkPrivileges)
        Does the user that created this session have at least one of the specified global privileges.
        checkPrivileges - an array of strings representing the required global privilege names.
        true if the user that created this session has at least one of the specified global privileges.
      • hasRole

        boolean hasRole​(String rolename)
        Does the user that created this session have the specified role.
        rolename - the role to search for
        if the user has the role
      • getUserName

        String getUserName()
        The name of the user that created this session.
        The name of the user that created this session.
      • getIsolationGroupName

        String getIsolationGroupName()
        The isolation group name for the user that created this session.
        The isolation group name of the user that created this session.
      • getDefaultPartition

        Partition getDefaultPartition()
        Get the default partition for partitionable objects in this session.
        the default partition associated with this session.
        See Also:
      • setDefaultPartition

        void setDefaultPartition​(Partition newDefaultPartition)
        Set the default partition for partitionable objects in this session. This will be assigned to objects that are created with this session, and, if the partition search path is configured, will also be used as the partition to replace the <default> entry in that path. Initially the default partition is set based on the user that owns the session.
        newDefaultPartition - the partition to install as the default for this session.
        See Also:
      • createBusinessKeyResolver

        BusinessKeyResolver createBusinessKeyResolver()
        Create a resolver that will use this session to resolve business keys.
        A resolver that can be used to locate objects based on their business key.
      • createExporter

        Exporter createExporter()
        Create an exporter that can be used to export objects.
        An exporter that can be used to export objects.
      • waitForJob

        void waitForJob​(Job job)
        Wait for given job to finish. This method will use a notification mechanism if this job is a child job spawned from a RedwoodScript job and it's that script job that waits for it (this a very cheap wait, without hitting the database). Otherwise the job is refreshed to see the updates.

        In both cases: all other objects in the session are discarded when this method returns.

        Note: This call will wait forever until the 'finish' condition is met. It is recommended to use one of the methods where you can specify a maximum wait in addition.

        job - the job to wait for.
      • waitForJob

        void waitForJob​(Job job,
                        long maxWait)
        Wait for given job to finish. This method will use a notification mechanism if this job is a child job spawned from a RedwoodScript job and it's that script job that waits for it (this a very cheap wait, without hitting the database). Otherwise the job is refreshed to see the updates.

        In both cases: all other objects in the session are discarded when this method returns.

        Note: This call will wait until the job finishes or the maxWait time expires, if the job does not finish before maxWait, a TimeoutException is thrown.

        job - the job to wait for.
        maxWait - The maximum wait time in milliseconds
      • waitForJobs

        void waitForJobs​(Job[] jobs)
        Wait for all given jobs to finish. This method will use a notification mechanism if these jobs are child jobs spawned from a RedwoodScript job and it's that script job that waits for it (this a very cheap wait, without hitting the database). Otherwise the jobs are refreshed to see the updates.

        In both cases: all other objects in the session are discarded when this method returns.

        Note: This call will wait forever until the 'finish' condition is met. It is recommended to use one of the methods where you can specify a maximum wait in addition.

        jobs - the jobs to wait for.
      • waitForJobs

        void waitForJobs​(Job[] jobs,
                         long maxWait)
        Wait for all given jobs to finish. This method will use a notification mechanism if these jobs are child jobs spawned from a RedwoodScript job and it's that script job that waits for it (this a very cheap wait, without hitting the database). Otherwise the jobs are refreshed to see the updates.

        In both cases: all other objects in the session are discarded when this method returns.

        Note: This call will wait until the job finishes or the maxWait time expires, if the job does not finish before maxWait, a TimeoutException is thrown.

        jobs - the jobs to wait for.
        maxWait - The maximum wait time in milliseconds
      • waitForJobs

        void waitForJobs​(Job[] jobs,
                         JobStatus[] statuses,
                         long maxWait)
        Wait for jobs to reach the specified statuses, with a maximum wait time. This method will refresh the jobs in order to be able to see updates.

        This routine may return earlier than the specified timeout if any of the jobs go to a final status that is not in the list of statuses to wait for.

        jobs - the jobs to wait for, must be from session.
        statuses - the statuses to wait for.
        maxWait - the maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
      • waitForJob

        void waitForJob​(Job job,
                        JobStatus status)
        Wait for jobs to reach the specified statuses, with unlimited time. This method will refresh the jobs in order to be able to see updates.

        This routine may return earlier if any of the jobs go to a final status that is not in the list of statuses to wait for.

        job - Job to wait for
        status - The status it must reach
      • waitForJob

        void waitForJob​(Job job,
                        JobStatus status,
                        long maxWait)
        Similar as waitForJob(Job, JobStatus), except a maxWait is specified. Which means the method will abort with a TimeoutException if the status was not reached before.
        job - Job to wait for
        status - The status it must reach
        maxWait - Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the job to reach status, TimeoutException if the time expires.
      • waitForAllChildren

        void waitForAllChildren​(Job job)
        Wait for all children of this job to finish. All other objects in the session are discarded when this method returns. The children are taken from the job immediately, and then waited for. Any new children that appear after this method is called, will not be waited for.

        Note: This call will wait forever until the 'finish' condition is met. It is recommended to use one of the methods where you can specify a maximum wait in addition.

        job - The job's children to wait for
      • waitForAllChildren

        void waitForAllChildren​(Job job,
                                long maxWait)
        Wait for all children of this job to finish. All other objects in the session are discarded when this method returns. The children are taken from the job immediately, and then waited for. Any new children that appear after this method is called, will not be waited for.

        Note: This call will wait until the children finish or the maxWait time expires, if the children do not finish before maxWait, a TimeoutException is thrown.

        job - The job's children to wait for
        maxWait - the maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait.
      • createAdHocAlertSource

        AdHocAlertSource createAdHocAlertSource()
        Return a new instance of AdHocAlertSource. All defaults will be set as documented AdHocAlertSource.
        the newly instantiated AdHocAlertSource
      • getAdHocAlertSourceByName

        AdHocAlertSource getAdHocAlertSourceByName​(Partition partition,
                                                   String name)
        Get the AdHocAlertSource by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The AdHocAlertSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getAdHocAlertSourceByUniqueId

        AdHocAlertSource getAdHocAlertSourceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the AdHocAlertSource by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The AdHocAlertSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getAlertByUniqueId

        Alert getAlertByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Alert by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Alert that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createAlertEscalation

        AlertEscalation createAlertEscalation()
        Return a new instance of AlertEscalation. All defaults will be set as documented AlertEscalation.
        the newly instantiated AlertEscalation
      • getAlertEscalationByName

        AlertEscalation getAlertEscalationByName​(Partition partition,
                                                 String name)
        Get the AlertEscalation by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The AlertEscalation that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getAlertEscalationByUniqueId

        AlertEscalation getAlertEscalationByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the AlertEscalation by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The AlertEscalation that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getAlertEscalationActionByUniqueId

        AlertEscalationAction getAlertEscalationActionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the AlertEscalationAction by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The AlertEscalationAction that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getAlertSourceActionByAlertSourceActionType

        AlertSourceAction getAlertSourceActionByAlertSourceActionType​(Long parentUniqueId,
                                                                      AlertSourceActionType type)
        Get the AlertSourceAction by AlertSourceActionType. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        parentUniqueId - the ParentUniqueId that must be in the key.
        type - the Type that must be in the key.
        The AlertSourceAction that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getAlertSourceActionByUniqueId

        AlertSourceAction getAlertSourceActionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the AlertSourceAction by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The AlertSourceAction that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getAlertSourceEmailByUniqueId

        AlertSourceEmail getAlertSourceEmailByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the AlertSourceEmail by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The AlertSourceEmail that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createApplication

        Application createApplication()
        Return a new instance of Application. All defaults will be set as documented Application.
        the newly instantiated Application
      • getApplicationByName

        Application getApplicationByName​(Partition partition,
                                         Application parentApplication,
                                         String name)
        Get the Application by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        parentApplication - the ParentApplication that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Application that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getApplicationByUniqueId

        Application getApplicationByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Application by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Application that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createAuditObject

        AuditObject createAuditObject()
        Return a new instance of AuditObject. All defaults will be set as documented AuditObject.
        the newly instantiated AuditObject
      • getAuditObjectByUniqueId

        AuditObject getAuditObjectByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the AuditObject by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The AuditObject that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createAuditRule

        AuditRule createAuditRule()
        Return a new instance of AuditRule. All defaults will be set as documented AuditRule.
        the newly instantiated AuditRule
      • getAuditRuleByObjectType

        AuditRule getAuditRuleByObjectType​(String ruleObjectType)
        Get the AuditRule by ObjectType. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        ruleObjectType - the RuleObjectType that must be in the key.
        The AuditRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getAuditRuleByName

        AuditRule getAuditRuleByName​(String name)
        Get the AuditRule by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The AuditRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getAuditRuleByUniqueId

        AuditRule getAuditRuleByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the AuditRule by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The AuditRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createAuditSubjectLogin

        AuditSubjectLogin createAuditSubjectLogin()
        Return a new instance of AuditSubjectLogin. All defaults will be set as documented AuditSubjectLogin.
        the newly instantiated AuditSubjectLogin
      • getAuditSubjectLoginByUniqueId

        AuditSubjectLogin getAuditSubjectLoginByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the AuditSubjectLogin by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The AuditSubjectLogin that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createBuiltInWebService

        BuiltInWebService createBuiltInWebService()
        Return a new instance of BuiltInWebService. All defaults will be set as documented BuiltInWebService.
        the newly instantiated BuiltInWebService
      • getBuiltInWebServiceByWSName

        BuiltInWebService getBuiltInWebServiceByWSName​(String name)
        Get the BuiltInWebService by WSName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The BuiltInWebService that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getBuiltInWebServiceByUniqueId

        BuiltInWebService getBuiltInWebServiceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the BuiltInWebService by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The BuiltInWebService that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createConstraintDefinition

        ConstraintDefinition createConstraintDefinition()
        Return a new instance of ConstraintDefinition. All defaults will be set as documented ConstraintDefinition.
        the newly instantiated ConstraintDefinition
      • getConstraintDefinitionByName

        ConstraintDefinition getConstraintDefinitionByName​(Partition partition,
                                                           String name)
        Get the ConstraintDefinition by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The ConstraintDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getConstraintDefinitionByUniqueId

        ConstraintDefinition getConstraintDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ConstraintDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ConstraintDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createCredential

        Credential createCredential()
        Return a new instance of Credential. All defaults will be set as documented Credential.
        the newly instantiated Credential
      • getCredentialByCredentialProtocolEndpointRealUser

        Credential getCredentialByCredentialProtocolEndpointRealUser​(Partition partition,
                                                                     CredentialProtocol credentialProtocol,
                                                                     String endpoint,
                                                                     String realUser)
        Get the Credential by CredentialProtocolEndpointRealUser. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        credentialProtocol - the CredentialProtocol that must be in the key.
        endpoint - the Endpoint that must be in the key.
        realUser - the RealUser that must be in the key.
        The Credential that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getCredentialByCredentialProtocolEndpointVirtualUser

        Credential getCredentialByCredentialProtocolEndpointVirtualUser​(Partition partition,
                                                                        CredentialProtocol credentialProtocol,
                                                                        String endpoint,
                                                                        String virtualUser)
        Get the Credential by CredentialProtocolEndpointVirtualUser. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        credentialProtocol - the CredentialProtocol that must be in the key.
        endpoint - the Endpoint that must be in the key.
        virtualUser - the VirtualUser that must be in the key.
        The Credential that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getCredentialByUniqueId

        Credential getCredentialByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Credential by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Credential that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createCredentialProtocol

        CredentialProtocol createCredentialProtocol()
        Return a new instance of CredentialProtocol. All defaults will be set as documented CredentialProtocol.
        the newly instantiated CredentialProtocol
      • getCredentialProtocolByName

        CredentialProtocol getCredentialProtocolByName​(Partition partition,
                                                       String name)
        Get the CredentialProtocol by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The CredentialProtocol that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getCredentialProtocolByUniqueId

        CredentialProtocol getCredentialProtocolByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the CredentialProtocol by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The CredentialProtocol that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createDashboard

        Dashboard createDashboard()
        Return a new instance of Dashboard. All defaults will be set as documented Dashboard.
        the newly instantiated Dashboard
      • getDashboardByOwnerName

        Dashboard getDashboardByOwnerName​(Subject ownerSubject,
                                          String name)
        Get the Dashboard by OwnerName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        ownerSubject - the OwnerSubject that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Dashboard that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getDashboardByUniqueId

        Dashboard getDashboardByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Dashboard by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Dashboard that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getDashboardItemByUniqueId

        DashboardItem getDashboardItemByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the DashboardItem by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The DashboardItem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createDatabase

        Database createDatabase()
        Return a new instance of Database. All defaults will be set as documented Database.
        the newly instantiated Database
      • getDatabaseByName

        Database getDatabaseByName​(Partition partition,
                                   String name)
        Get the Database by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Database that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getDatabaseByName

        Database getDatabaseByName​(String name)
        Get the Database by Name. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getDatabaseByName(getPartitionSearchPath(), name);
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Database that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getDatabaseByName(Partition, String)
      • getDatabaseByUniqueId

        Database getDatabaseByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Database by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Database that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createDatumDefinition

        DatumDefinition createDatumDefinition()
        Return a new instance of DatumDefinition. All defaults will be set as documented DatumDefinition.
        the newly instantiated DatumDefinition
      • getDatumDefinitionByName

        DatumDefinition getDatumDefinitionByName​(Partition partition,
                                                 String name)
        Get the DatumDefinition by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The DatumDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getDatumDefinitionByUniqueId

        DatumDefinition getDatumDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the DatumDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The DatumDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createDocument

        Document createDocument()
        Return a new instance of Document. All defaults will be set as documented Document.
        the newly instantiated Document
      • getDocumentByPath

        Document getDocumentByPath​(Partition partition,
                                   Application parentApplication,
                                   String searchName)
        Get the Document by Path. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        parentApplication - the ParentApplication that must be in the key.
        searchName - the SearchName that must be in the key.
        The Document that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getDocumentByUniqueId

        Document getDocumentByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Document by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Document that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createEmailAlertGateway

        EmailAlertGateway createEmailAlertGateway()
        Return a new instance of EmailAlertGateway. All defaults will be set as documented EmailAlertGateway.
        the newly instantiated EmailAlertGateway
      • getEmailAlertGatewayByName

        EmailAlertGateway getEmailAlertGatewayByName​(Partition partition,
                                                     String name)
        Get the EmailAlertGateway by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The EmailAlertGateway that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getEmailAlertGatewayByUniqueId

        EmailAlertGateway getEmailAlertGatewayByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the EmailAlertGateway by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The EmailAlertGateway that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getEmailAlertGatewayActionByUniqueId

        EmailAlertGatewayAction getEmailAlertGatewayActionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the EmailAlertGatewayAction by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The EmailAlertGatewayAction that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getEmailAlertGatewayEmailByUniqueId

        EmailAlertGatewayEmail getEmailAlertGatewayEmailByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the EmailAlertGatewayEmail by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The EmailAlertGatewayEmail that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getEmailAlertGatewayHeaderByUniqueId

        EmailAlertGatewayHeader getEmailAlertGatewayHeaderByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the EmailAlertGatewayHeader by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The EmailAlertGatewayHeader that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getEventByUniqueId

        Event getEventByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Event by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Event that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createEventDefinition

        EventDefinition createEventDefinition()
        Return a new instance of EventDefinition. All defaults will be set as documented EventDefinition.
        the newly instantiated EventDefinition
      • getEventDefinitionByName

        EventDefinition getEventDefinitionByName​(Partition partition,
                                                 String name)
        Get the EventDefinition by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The EventDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getEventDefinitionByUniqueId

        EventDefinition getEventDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the EventDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The EventDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createExport

        Export createExport()
        Return a new instance of Export. All defaults will be set as documented Export.
        the newly instantiated Export
      • getExportByUniqueId

        Export getExportByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Export by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Export that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getExportRuleByUniqueId

        ExportRule getExportRuleByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ExportRule by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ExportRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getExportRuleItemByUniqueId

        ExportRuleItem getExportRuleItemByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ExportRuleItem by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ExportRuleItem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createExportRuleSet

        ExportRuleSet createExportRuleSet()
        Return a new instance of ExportRuleSet. All defaults will be set as documented ExportRuleSet.
        the newly instantiated ExportRuleSet
      • getExportRuleSetByName

        ExportRuleSet getExportRuleSetByName​(Partition partition,
                                             String name)
        Get the ExportRuleSet by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The ExportRuleSet that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getExportRuleSetByUniqueId

        ExportRuleSet getExportRuleSetByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ExportRuleSet by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ExportRuleSet that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createExtensionPoint

        ExtensionPoint createExtensionPoint()
        Return a new instance of ExtensionPoint. All defaults will be set as documented ExtensionPoint.
        the newly instantiated ExtensionPoint
      • getExtensionPointByName

        ExtensionPoint getExtensionPointByName​(Partition partition,
                                               String name)
        Get the ExtensionPoint by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The ExtensionPoint that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getExtensionPointByUniqueId

        ExtensionPoint getExtensionPointByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ExtensionPoint by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ExtensionPoint that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getExtensionPointSourceByUniqueId

        ExtensionPointSource getExtensionPointSourceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ExtensionPointSource by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ExtensionPointSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getFileEventByUniqueId

        FileEvent getFileEventByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the FileEvent by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The FileEvent that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getFileEventDefinitionByUniqueId

        FileEventDefinition getFileEventDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the FileEventDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The FileEventDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getFinalStatusHandlerByUniqueId

        FinalStatusHandler getFinalStatusHandlerByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the FinalStatusHandler by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The FinalStatusHandler that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createForecastJob

        ForecastJob createForecastJob()
        Return a new instance of ForecastJob. All defaults will be set as documented ForecastJob.
        the newly instantiated ForecastJob
      • getForecastJobByUniqueId

        ForecastJob getForecastJobByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ForecastJob by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ForecastJob that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createFormat

        Format createFormat()
        Return a new instance of Format. All defaults will be set as documented Format.
        the newly instantiated Format
      • getFormatByName

        Format getFormatByName​(Partition partition,
                               String name)
        Get the Format by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Format that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getFormatByName

        Format getFormatByName​(String name)
        Get the Format by Name. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getFormatByName(getPartitionSearchPath(), name);
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Format that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getFormatByName(Partition, String)
      • getFormatByUniqueId

        Format getFormatByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Format by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Format that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createGlobalPrivilege

        GlobalPrivilege createGlobalPrivilege()
        Return a new instance of GlobalPrivilege. All defaults will be set as documented GlobalPrivilege.
        the newly instantiated GlobalPrivilege
      • getGlobalPrivilegeByName

        GlobalPrivilege getGlobalPrivilegeByName​(String name)
        Get the GlobalPrivilege by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The GlobalPrivilege that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getGlobalPrivilegeByUniqueId

        GlobalPrivilege getGlobalPrivilegeByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the GlobalPrivilege by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The GlobalPrivilege that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createImport

        Import createImport()
        Return a new instance of Import. All defaults will be set as documented Import.
        the newly instantiated Import
      • getImportByUniqueId

        Import getImportByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Import by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Import that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getImportActionByUniqueId

        ImportAction getImportActionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ImportAction by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ImportAction that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getImportActionParameterByUniqueId

        ImportActionParameter getImportActionParameterByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ImportActionParameter by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ImportActionParameter that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getImportMatchRuleByUniqueId

        ImportMatchRule getImportMatchRuleByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ImportMatchRule by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ImportMatchRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getImportOverrideRuleByUniqueId

        ImportOverrideRule getImportOverrideRuleByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ImportOverrideRule by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ImportOverrideRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getImportRuleByUniqueId

        ImportRule getImportRuleByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ImportRule by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ImportRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createImportRuleDefinition

        ImportRuleDefinition createImportRuleDefinition()
        Return a new instance of ImportRuleDefinition. All defaults will be set as documented ImportRuleDefinition.
        the newly instantiated ImportRuleDefinition
      • getImportRuleDefinitionByName

        ImportRuleDefinition getImportRuleDefinitionByName​(Partition partition,
                                                           String name)
        Get the ImportRuleDefinition by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The ImportRuleDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getImportRuleDefinitionByUniqueId

        ImportRuleDefinition getImportRuleDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ImportRuleDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ImportRuleDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createImportRuleSet

        ImportRuleSet createImportRuleSet()
        Return a new instance of ImportRuleSet. All defaults will be set as documented ImportRuleSet.
        the newly instantiated ImportRuleSet
      • getImportRuleSetByName

        ImportRuleSet getImportRuleSetByName​(Partition partition,
                                             String name)
        Get the ImportRuleSet by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The ImportRuleSet that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getImportRuleSetByUniqueId

        ImportRuleSet getImportRuleSetByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ImportRuleSet by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ImportRuleSet that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getImportRuleSetPartitionRenameByUniqueId

        ImportRuleSetPartitionRename getImportRuleSetPartitionRenameByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ImportRuleSetPartitionRename by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ImportRuleSetPartitionRename that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createImportSource

        ImportSource createImportSource()
        Return a new instance of ImportSource. All defaults will be set as documented ImportSource.
        the newly instantiated ImportSource
      • getImportSourceByName

        ImportSource getImportSourceByName​(Partition partition,
                                           String name)
        Get the ImportSource by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The ImportSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getImportSourceByUniqueId

        ImportSource getImportSourceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ImportSource by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ImportSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createIsolationGroup

        IsolationGroup createIsolationGroup()
        Return a new instance of IsolationGroup. All defaults will be set as documented IsolationGroup.
        the newly instantiated IsolationGroup
      • getIsolationGroupByName

        IsolationGroup getIsolationGroupByName​(String name)
        Get the IsolationGroup by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The IsolationGroup that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getIsolationGroupByUniqueId

        IsolationGroup getIsolationGroupByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the IsolationGroup by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The IsolationGroup that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJARFileByUniqueId

        JARFile getJARFileByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JARFile by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JARFile that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobByJobId

        Job getJobByJobId​(Long jobId)
        Get the Job by JobId. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        jobId - the JobId that must be in the key.
        The Job that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobByRemoteIdentifiers

        Job getJobByRemoteIdentifiers​(String remoteSystem,
                                      String remoteId)
        Get the Job by RemoteIdentifiers. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        remoteSystem - the RemoteSystem that must be in the key.
        remoteId - the RemoteId that must be in the key.
        The Job that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobByUniqueId

        Job getJobByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Job by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Job that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createJobChain

        JobChain createJobChain()
        Return a new instance of JobChain. All defaults will be set as documented JobChain.
        the newly instantiated JobChain
      • getJobChainByJobDefinition

        JobChain getJobChainByJobDefinition​(JobDefinition jobDefinition)
        Get the JobChain by JobDefinition. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        jobDefinition - the JobDefinition that must be in the key.
        The JobChain that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobChainByUniqueId

        JobChain getJobChainByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobChain by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobChain that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobChainCallByUniqueId

        JobChainCall getJobChainCallByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobChainCall by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobChainCall that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobChainCallJobLockByUniqueId

        JobChainCallJobLock getJobChainCallJobLockByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobChainCallJobLock by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobChainCallJobLock that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobChainCallPreconditionByUniqueId

        JobChainCallPrecondition getJobChainCallPreconditionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobChainCallPrecondition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobChainCallPrecondition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobChainCallRaiseEventByUniqueId

        JobChainCallRaiseEvent getJobChainCallRaiseEventByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobChainCallRaiseEvent by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobChainCallRaiseEvent that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobChainCallWaitEventByUniqueId

        JobChainCallWaitEvent getJobChainCallWaitEventByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobChainCallWaitEvent by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobChainCallWaitEvent that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobChainStatusHandlerByUniqueId

        JobChainStatusHandler getJobChainStatusHandlerByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobChainStatusHandler by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobChainStatusHandler that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobChainStepByUniqueId

        JobChainStep getJobChainStepByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobChainStep by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobChainStep that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobChainStepPreconditionByUniqueId

        JobChainStepPrecondition getJobChainStepPreconditionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobChainStepPrecondition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobChainStepPrecondition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobChainStepStatusHandlerByUniqueId

        JobChainStepStatusHandler getJobChainStepStatusHandlerByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobChainStepStatusHandler by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobChainStepStatusHandler that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDatumByUniqueId

        JobDatum getJobDatumByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDatum by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDatum that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createJobDefinition

        JobDefinition createJobDefinition()
        Return a new instance of JobDefinition. All defaults will be set as documented JobDefinition.
        the newly instantiated JobDefinition
      • getJobDefinitionByName

        JobDefinition getJobDefinitionByName​(Partition partition,
                                             String name,
                                             Long branchedLLPVersion)
        Get the JobDefinition by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        branchedLLPVersion - the BranchedLLPVersion that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionByName

        JobDefinition getJobDefinitionByName​(String name)
        Get the JobDefinition by Name. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getJobDefinitionByName(getPartitionSearchPath(), name, com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObject.MASTER);
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getJobDefinitionByName(Partition, String, Long)
      • getJobDefinitionByName

        JobDefinition getJobDefinitionByName​(Partition partition,
                                             String name)
        Get the JobDefinition by Name. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getJobDefinitionByName(partition, name, com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObject.MASTER);
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getJobDefinitionByName(Partition, String, Long)
      • getJobDefinitionByBranchedLLPVersion

        JobDefinition getJobDefinitionByBranchedLLPVersion​(JobDefinition masterJobDefinition,
                                                           Long branchedLLPVersion)
        Get the JobDefinition by BranchedLLPVersion. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        masterJobDefinition - the MasterJobDefinition that must be in the key.
        branchedLLPVersion - the BranchedLLPVersion that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionByUniqueId

        JobDefinition getJobDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionActionByUniqueId

        JobDefinitionAction getJobDefinitionActionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinitionAction by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionAction that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createJobDefinitionAlertSource

        JobDefinitionAlertSource createJobDefinitionAlertSource()
        Return a new instance of JobDefinitionAlertSource. All defaults will be set as documented JobDefinitionAlertSource.
        the newly instantiated JobDefinitionAlertSource
      • getJobDefinitionAlertSourceByName

        JobDefinitionAlertSource getJobDefinitionAlertSourceByName​(Partition partition,
                                                                   String name)
        Get the JobDefinitionAlertSource by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionAlertSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionAlertSourceByUniqueId

        JobDefinitionAlertSource getJobDefinitionAlertSourceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinitionAlertSource by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionAlertSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionAlertSourceRuleByUniqueId

        JobDefinitionAlertSourceRule getJobDefinitionAlertSourceRuleByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinitionAlertSourceRule by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionAlertSourceRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionConstraintByUniqueId

        JobDefinitionConstraint getJobDefinitionConstraintByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinitionConstraint by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionConstraint that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionFormByUniqueId

        JobDefinitionForm getJobDefinitionFormByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinitionForm by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionForm that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionJobLockByUniqueId

        JobDefinitionJobLock getJobDefinitionJobLockByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinitionJobLock by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionJobLock that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionParameterByUniqueId

        JobDefinitionParameter getJobDefinitionParameterByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinitionParameter by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionParameter that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createJobDefinitionParameterSubType

        JobDefinitionParameterSubType createJobDefinitionParameterSubType()
        Return a new instance of JobDefinitionParameterSubType. All defaults will be set as documented JobDefinitionParameterSubType.
        the newly instantiated JobDefinitionParameterSubType
      • getJobDefinitionParameterSubTypeByName

        JobDefinitionParameterSubType getJobDefinitionParameterSubTypeByName​(String name)
        Get the JobDefinitionParameterSubType by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionParameterSubType that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionRaiseEventByUniqueId

        JobDefinitionRaiseEvent getJobDefinitionRaiseEventByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinitionRaiseEvent by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionRaiseEvent that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionRuntimeLimitByUniqueId

        JobDefinitionRuntimeLimit getJobDefinitionRuntimeLimitByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinitionRuntimeLimit by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionRuntimeLimit that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createJobDefinitionType

        JobDefinitionType createJobDefinitionType()
        Return a new instance of JobDefinitionType. All defaults will be set as documented JobDefinitionType.
        the newly instantiated JobDefinitionType
      • getJobDefinitionTypeByName

        JobDefinitionType getJobDefinitionTypeByName​(Partition partition,
                                                     String name)
        Get the JobDefinitionType by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionType that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionTypeByUniqueId

        JobDefinitionType getJobDefinitionTypeByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinitionType by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionType that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionTypeActionByUniqueId

        JobDefinitionTypeAction getJobDefinitionTypeActionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinitionTypeAction by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionTypeAction that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobDefinitionWaitEventByUniqueId

        JobDefinitionWaitEvent getJobDefinitionWaitEventByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobDefinitionWaitEvent by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobDefinitionWaitEvent that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobFileByUniqueId

        JobFile getJobFileByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobFile by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobFile that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobFileSearchByUniqueId

        JobFileSearch getJobFileSearchByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobFileSearch by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobFileSearch that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createJobGroup

        JobGroup createJobGroup()
        Return a new instance of JobGroup. All defaults will be set as documented JobGroup.
        the newly instantiated JobGroup
      • getJobGroupByUniqueId

        JobGroup getJobGroupByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobGroup by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobGroup that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobGroupParameterByUniqueId

        JobGroupParameter getJobGroupParameterByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobGroupParameter by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobGroupParameter that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobJobLockByUniqueId

        JobJobLock getJobJobLockByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobJobLock by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobJobLock that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createJobLock

        JobLock createJobLock()
        Return a new instance of JobLock. All defaults will be set as documented JobLock.
        the newly instantiated JobLock
      • getJobLockByName

        JobLock getJobLockByName​(Partition partition,
                                 String name)
        Get the JobLock by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The JobLock that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobLockByName

        JobLock getJobLockByName​(String name)
        Get the JobLock by Name. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getJobLockByName(getPartitionSearchPath(), name);
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The JobLock that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getJobLockByName(Partition, String)
      • getJobLockByUniqueId

        JobLock getJobLockByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobLock by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobLock that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobNoteByUniqueId

        JobNote getJobNoteByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobNote by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobNote that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobParameterByUniqueId

        JobParameter getJobParameterByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobParameter by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobParameter that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobRaiseEventByUniqueId

        JobRaiseEvent getJobRaiseEventByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobRaiseEvent by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobRaiseEvent that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobRuntimeLimitByUniqueId

        JobRuntimeLimit getJobRuntimeLimitByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobRuntimeLimit by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobRuntimeLimit that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getJobWaitEventByUniqueId

        JobWaitEvent getJobWaitEventByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the JobWaitEvent by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The JobWaitEvent that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createLanguage

        Language createLanguage()
        Return a new instance of Language. All defaults will be set as documented Language.
        the newly instantiated Language
      • getLanguageByName

        Language getLanguageByName​(String name)
        Get the Language by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Language that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getLanguageByTag

        Language getLanguageByTag​(String tag)
        Get the Language by Tag. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        tag - the Tag that must be in the key.
        The Language that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getLanguageByUniqueId

        Language getLanguageByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Language by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Language that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createLDAPProfile

        LDAPProfile createLDAPProfile()
        Return a new instance of LDAPProfile. All defaults will be set as documented LDAPProfile.
        the newly instantiated LDAPProfile
      • getLDAPProfileByProfileId

        LDAPProfile getLDAPProfileByProfileId​(String profileName,
                                              String connectionURL)
        Get the LDAPProfile by ProfileId. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        profileName - the ProfileName that must be in the key.
        connectionURL - the ConnectionURL that must be in the key.
        The LDAPProfile that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getLDAPProfileByProfileName

        LDAPProfile getLDAPProfileByProfileName​(String profileName)
        Get the LDAPProfile by ProfileName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        profileName - the ProfileName that must be in the key.
        The LDAPProfile that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getLDAPProfileByConnectionURL

        LDAPProfile getLDAPProfileByConnectionURL​(String connectionURL)
        Get the LDAPProfile by ConnectionURL. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        connectionURL - the ConnectionURL that must be in the key.
        The LDAPProfile that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getLDAPProfileByLDAPServerType

        LDAPProfile getLDAPProfileByLDAPServerType​(LDAPServerType lDAPServerType)
        Get the LDAPProfile by LDAPServerType. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        lDAPServerType - the LDAPServerType that must be in the key.
        The LDAPProfile that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getLDAPProfileByUniqueId

        LDAPProfile getLDAPProfileByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the LDAPProfile by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The LDAPProfile that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createLibrary

        Library createLibrary()
        Return a new instance of Library. All defaults will be set as documented Library.
        the newly instantiated Library
      • getLibraryByName

        Library getLibraryByName​(Partition partition,
                                 String name)
        Get the Library by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Library that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getLibraryByName

        Library getLibraryByName​(String name)
        Get the Library by Name. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getLibraryByName(getPartitionSearchPath(), name);
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Library that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getLibraryByName(Partition, String)
      • getLibraryByUniqueId

        Library getLibraryByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Library by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Library that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getLibrarySourceByUniqueId

        LibrarySource getLibrarySourceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the LibrarySource by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The LibrarySource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createLicenseKey

        LicenseKey createLicenseKey()
        Return a new instance of LicenseKey. All defaults will be set as documented LicenseKey.
        the newly instantiated LicenseKey
      • getLicenseKeyByContractName

        LicenseKey getLicenseKeyByContractName​(String contractName,
                                               String name)
        Get the LicenseKey by ContractName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        contractName - the ContractName that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The LicenseKey that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getLicenseKeyByName

        LicenseKey getLicenseKeyByName​(String name)
        Get the LicenseKey by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The LicenseKey that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getLicenseKeyByUniqueId

        LicenseKey getLicenseKeyByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the LicenseKey by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The LicenseKey that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMailConnectionSettingByUniqueId

        MailConnectionSetting getMailConnectionSettingByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the MailConnectionSetting by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The MailConnectionSetting that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createMailConnector

        MailConnector createMailConnector()
        Return a new instance of MailConnector. All defaults will be set as documented MailConnector.
        the newly instantiated MailConnector
      • getMailConnectorByName

        MailConnector getMailConnectorByName​(Partition partition,
                                             String name)
        Get the MailConnector by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The MailConnector that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMailConnectorByUniqueId

        MailConnector getMailConnectorByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the MailConnector by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The MailConnector that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createModuleState

        ModuleState createModuleState()
        Return a new instance of ModuleState. All defaults will be set as documented ModuleState.
        the newly instantiated ModuleState
      • getModuleStateByName

        ModuleState getModuleStateByName​(String name)
        Get the ModuleState by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The ModuleState that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getModuleStateByUniqueId

        ModuleState getModuleStateByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ModuleState by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ModuleState that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createMonitorAlertSource

        MonitorAlertSource createMonitorAlertSource()
        Return a new instance of MonitorAlertSource. All defaults will be set as documented MonitorAlertSource.
        the newly instantiated MonitorAlertSource
      • getMonitorAlertSourceByName

        MonitorAlertSource getMonitorAlertSourceByName​(Partition partition,
                                                       String name)
        Get the MonitorAlertSource by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The MonitorAlertSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMonitorAlertSourceByUniqueId

        MonitorAlertSource getMonitorAlertSourceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the MonitorAlertSource by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The MonitorAlertSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMonitorAlertSourceRuleByUniqueId

        MonitorAlertSourceRule getMonitorAlertSourceRuleByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the MonitorAlertSourceRule by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The MonitorAlertSourceRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createMonitorCheck

        MonitorCheck createMonitorCheck()
        Return a new instance of MonitorCheck. All defaults will be set as documented MonitorCheck.
        the newly instantiated MonitorCheck
      • getMonitorCheckByRemoteIdentifiers

        MonitorCheck getMonitorCheckByRemoteIdentifiers​(String remoteSystem,
                                                        String remoteId)
        Get the MonitorCheck by RemoteIdentifiers. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        remoteSystem - the RemoteSystem that must be in the key.
        remoteId - the RemoteId that must be in the key.
        The MonitorCheck that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMonitorCheckByParentName

        MonitorCheck getMonitorCheckByParentName​(MonitorNode parentMonitorNode,
                                                 String name)
        Get the MonitorCheck by ParentName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        parentMonitorNode - the ParentMonitorNode that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The MonitorCheck that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMonitorCheckByUniqueId

        MonitorCheck getMonitorCheckByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the MonitorCheck by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The MonitorCheck that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMonitorConditionByUniqueId

        MonitorCondition getMonitorConditionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the MonitorCondition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The MonitorCondition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMonitorEventByUniqueId

        MonitorEvent getMonitorEventByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the MonitorEvent by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The MonitorEvent that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createMonitorLink

        MonitorLink createMonitorLink()
        Return a new instance of MonitorLink. All defaults will be set as documented MonitorLink.
        the newly instantiated MonitorLink
      • getMonitorLinkByParentName

        MonitorLink getMonitorLinkByParentName​(MonitorNode parentMonitorNode,
                                               String name)
        Get the MonitorLink by ParentName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        parentMonitorNode - the ParentMonitorNode that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The MonitorLink that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMonitorLinkByUniqueId

        MonitorLink getMonitorLinkByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the MonitorLink by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The MonitorLink that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createMonitorNode

        MonitorNode createMonitorNode()
        Return a new instance of MonitorNode. All defaults will be set as documented MonitorNode.
        the newly instantiated MonitorNode
      • getMonitorNodeByRemoteIdentifiers

        MonitorNode getMonitorNodeByRemoteIdentifiers​(String remoteSystem,
                                                      String remoteId)
        Get the MonitorNode by RemoteIdentifiers. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        remoteSystem - the RemoteSystem that must be in the key.
        remoteId - the RemoteId that must be in the key.
        The MonitorNode that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMonitorNodeByParentName

        MonitorNode getMonitorNodeByParentName​(MonitorNode parentMonitorNode,
                                               String name)
        Get the MonitorNode by ParentName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        parentMonitorNode - the ParentMonitorNode that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The MonitorNode that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMonitorNodeByUniqueId

        MonitorNode getMonitorNodeByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the MonitorNode by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The MonitorNode that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getMonitorValueByUniqueId

        MonitorValue getMonitorValueByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the MonitorValue by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The MonitorValue that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createNavigationBar

        NavigationBar createNavigationBar()
        Return a new instance of NavigationBar. All defaults will be set as documented NavigationBar.
        the newly instantiated NavigationBar
      • getNavigationBarByOwnerSubjectName

        NavigationBar getNavigationBarByOwnerSubjectName​(Partition partition,
                                                         Subject ownerSubject,
                                                         String name)
        Get the NavigationBar by OwnerSubjectName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        ownerSubject - the OwnerSubject that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The NavigationBar that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getNavigationBarByName

        NavigationBar getNavigationBarByName​(Partition partition,
                                             String name)
        Get the NavigationBar by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The NavigationBar that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getNavigationBarByUniqueId

        NavigationBar getNavigationBarByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the NavigationBar by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The NavigationBar that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getNavigationBarItemByUniqueId

        NavigationBarItem getNavigationBarItemByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the NavigationBarItem by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The NavigationBarItem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createObjectDefinition

        ObjectDefinition createObjectDefinition()
        Return a new instance of ObjectDefinition. All defaults will be set as documented ObjectDefinition.
        the newly instantiated ObjectDefinition
      • getObjectDefinitionByObjectName

        ObjectDefinition getObjectDefinitionByObjectName​(String objectName)
        Get the ObjectDefinition by ObjectName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        objectName - the ObjectName that must be in the key.
        The ObjectDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getObjectDefinitionByUniqueId

        ObjectDefinition getObjectDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ObjectDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ObjectDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getObjectFieldDefinitionByUniqueId

        ObjectFieldDefinition getObjectFieldDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ObjectFieldDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ObjectFieldDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getObjectIndexByName

        ObjectIndex getObjectIndexByName​(String name)
        Get the ObjectIndex by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The ObjectIndex that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getObjectIndexByUniqueId

        ObjectIndex getObjectIndexByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ObjectIndex by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ObjectIndex that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getObjectIndexColumnByUniqueId

        ObjectIndexColumn getObjectIndexColumnByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ObjectIndexColumn by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ObjectIndexColumn that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getObjectReferenceByUniqueId

        ObjectReference getObjectReferenceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ObjectReference by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ObjectReference that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createObjectSearch

        ObjectSearch createObjectSearch()
        Return a new instance of ObjectSearch. All defaults will be set as documented ObjectSearch.
        the newly instantiated ObjectSearch
      • getObjectSearchByJobDefinition

        ObjectSearch getObjectSearchByJobDefinition​(JobDefinition jobDefinition)
        Get the ObjectSearch by JobDefinition. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        jobDefinition - the JobDefinition that must be in the key.
        The ObjectSearch that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getObjectSearchByUniqueId

        ObjectSearch getObjectSearchByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ObjectSearch by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ObjectSearch that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getObjectSearchConditionByUniqueId

        ObjectSearchCondition getObjectSearchConditionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ObjectSearchCondition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ObjectSearchCondition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getObjectTagByUniqueId

        ObjectTag getObjectTagByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ObjectTag by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ObjectTag that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createObjectTagDefinition

        ObjectTagDefinition createObjectTagDefinition()
        Return a new instance of ObjectTagDefinition. All defaults will be set as documented ObjectTagDefinition.
        the newly instantiated ObjectTagDefinition
      • getObjectTagDefinitionByName

        ObjectTagDefinition getObjectTagDefinitionByName​(Partition partition,
                                                         String name)
        Get the ObjectTagDefinition by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The ObjectTagDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getObjectTagDefinitionByUniqueId

        ObjectTagDefinition getObjectTagDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ObjectTagDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ObjectTagDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createOperatorMessage

        OperatorMessage createOperatorMessage()
        Return a new instance of OperatorMessage. All defaults will be set as documented OperatorMessage.
        the newly instantiated OperatorMessage
      • getOperatorMessageByUniqueId

        OperatorMessage getOperatorMessageByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the OperatorMessage by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The OperatorMessage that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getOperatorMessageDatumByUniqueId

        OperatorMessageDatum getOperatorMessageDatumByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the OperatorMessageDatum by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The OperatorMessageDatum that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getOraAppsJobControlRuleByUniqueId

        OraAppsJobControlRule getOraAppsJobControlRuleByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the OraAppsJobControlRule by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The OraAppsJobControlRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createOraAppsSystem

        OraAppsSystem createOraAppsSystem()
        Return a new instance of OraAppsSystem. All defaults will be set as documented OraAppsSystem.
        the newly instantiated OraAppsSystem
      • getOraAppsSystemByProcessServer

        OraAppsSystem getOraAppsSystemByProcessServer​(ProcessServer processServer)
        Get the OraAppsSystem by ProcessServer. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        processServer - the ProcessServer that must be in the key.
        The OraAppsSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getOraAppsSystemByQueue

        OraAppsSystem getOraAppsSystemByQueue​(Queue queue)
        Get the OraAppsSystem by Queue. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        queue - the Queue that must be in the key.
        The OraAppsSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getOraAppsSystemByName

        OraAppsSystem getOraAppsSystemByName​(Partition partition,
                                             String name)
        Get the OraAppsSystem by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The OraAppsSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getOraAppsSystemByUniqueId

        OraAppsSystem getOraAppsSystemByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the OraAppsSystem by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The OraAppsSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createOracleConnection

        OracleConnection createOracleConnection()
        Return a new instance of OracleConnection. All defaults will be set as documented OracleConnection.
        the newly instantiated OracleConnection
      • getOracleConnectionByUniqueId

        OracleConnection getOracleConnectionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the OracleConnection by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The OracleConnection that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createOraOhiSystem

        OraOhiSystem createOraOhiSystem()
        Return a new instance of OraOhiSystem. All defaults will be set as documented OraOhiSystem.
        the newly instantiated OraOhiSystem
      • getOraOhiSystemByProcessServer

        OraOhiSystem getOraOhiSystemByProcessServer​(ProcessServer processServer)
        Get the OraOhiSystem by ProcessServer. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        processServer - the ProcessServer that must be in the key.
        The OraOhiSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getOraOhiSystemByQueue

        OraOhiSystem getOraOhiSystemByQueue​(Queue queue)
        Get the OraOhiSystem by Queue. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        queue - the Queue that must be in the key.
        The OraOhiSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getOraOhiSystemByName

        OraOhiSystem getOraOhiSystemByName​(Partition partition,
                                           String name)
        Get the OraOhiSystem by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The OraOhiSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getOraOhiSystemByUniqueId

        OraOhiSystem getOraOhiSystemByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the OraOhiSystem by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The OraOhiSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createPartition

        Partition createPartition()
        Return a new instance of Partition. All defaults will be set as documented Partition.
        the newly instantiated Partition
      • getPartitionByName

        Partition getPartitionByName​(String name)
        Get the Partition by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Partition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getPartitionByUniqueId

        Partition getPartitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Partition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Partition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getPeopleSoftJobControlRuleByUniqueId

        PeopleSoftJobControlRule getPeopleSoftJobControlRuleByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the PeopleSoftJobControlRule by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The PeopleSoftJobControlRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getPeopleSoftJobOutputLocationByUniqueId

        PeopleSoftJobOutputLocation getPeopleSoftJobOutputLocationByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the PeopleSoftJobOutputLocation by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The PeopleSoftJobOutputLocation that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createPeopleSoftSystem

        PeopleSoftSystem createPeopleSoftSystem()
        Return a new instance of PeopleSoftSystem. All defaults will be set as documented PeopleSoftSystem.
        the newly instantiated PeopleSoftSystem
      • getPeopleSoftSystemByProcessServer

        PeopleSoftSystem getPeopleSoftSystemByProcessServer​(ProcessServer processServer)
        Get the PeopleSoftSystem by ProcessServer. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        processServer - the ProcessServer that must be in the key.
        The PeopleSoftSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getPeopleSoftSystemByQueue

        PeopleSoftSystem getPeopleSoftSystemByQueue​(Queue queue)
        Get the PeopleSoftSystem by Queue. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        queue - the Queue that must be in the key.
        The PeopleSoftSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getPeopleSoftSystemByName

        PeopleSoftSystem getPeopleSoftSystemByName​(Partition partition,
                                                   String name)
        Get the PeopleSoftSystem by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The PeopleSoftSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getPeopleSoftSystemByUniqueId

        PeopleSoftSystem getPeopleSoftSystemByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the PeopleSoftSystem by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The PeopleSoftSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createPeriodFunction

        PeriodFunction createPeriodFunction()
        Return a new instance of PeriodFunction. All defaults will be set as documented PeriodFunction.
        the newly instantiated PeriodFunction
      • getPeriodFunctionByName

        PeriodFunction getPeriodFunctionByName​(Partition partition,
                                               String name)
        Get the PeriodFunction by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The PeriodFunction that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getPeriodFunctionByUniqueId

        PeriodFunction getPeriodFunctionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the PeriodFunction by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The PeriodFunction that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createProcessMonitor

        ProcessMonitor createProcessMonitor()
        Return a new instance of ProcessMonitor. All defaults will be set as documented ProcessMonitor.
        the newly instantiated ProcessMonitor
      • getProcessMonitorByProcessMonitorInstance

        ProcessMonitor getProcessMonitorByProcessMonitorInstance​(Partition partition,
                                                                 String name,
                                                                 String instance)
        Get the ProcessMonitor by ProcessMonitorInstance. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        instance - the Instance that must be in the key.
        The ProcessMonitor that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessMonitorByUniqueId

        ProcessMonitor getProcessMonitorByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessMonitor by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessMonitor that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createProcessMonitorDefinition

        ProcessMonitorDefinition createProcessMonitorDefinition()
        Return a new instance of ProcessMonitorDefinition. All defaults will be set as documented ProcessMonitorDefinition.
        the newly instantiated ProcessMonitorDefinition
      • getProcessMonitorDefinitionByName

        ProcessMonitorDefinition getProcessMonitorDefinitionByName​(Partition partition,
                                                                   String name)
        Get the ProcessMonitorDefinition by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The ProcessMonitorDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessMonitorDefinitionByUniqueId

        ProcessMonitorDefinition getProcessMonitorDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessMonitorDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessMonitorDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessMonitorItemByUniqueId

        ProcessMonitorItem getProcessMonitorItemByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessMonitorItem by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessMonitorItem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessMonitorItemDefinitionByUniqueId

        ProcessMonitorItemDefinition getProcessMonitorItemDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessMonitorItemDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessMonitorItemDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createProcessMonitorLog

        ProcessMonitorLog createProcessMonitorLog()
        Return a new instance of ProcessMonitorLog. All defaults will be set as documented ProcessMonitorLog.
        the newly instantiated ProcessMonitorLog
      • getProcessMonitorLogByUniqueId

        ProcessMonitorLog getProcessMonitorLogByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessMonitorLog by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessMonitorLog that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createProcessServer

        ProcessServer createProcessServer()
        Return a new instance of ProcessServer. All defaults will be set as documented ProcessServer.
        the newly instantiated ProcessServer
      • getProcessServerByName

        ProcessServer getProcessServerByName​(Partition partition,
                                             String name)
        Get the ProcessServer by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The ProcessServer that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessServerByUniqueId

        ProcessServer getProcessServerByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessServer by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessServer that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createProcessServerAlertSource

        ProcessServerAlertSource createProcessServerAlertSource()
        Return a new instance of ProcessServerAlertSource. All defaults will be set as documented ProcessServerAlertSource.
        the newly instantiated ProcessServerAlertSource
      • getProcessServerAlertSourceByName

        ProcessServerAlertSource getProcessServerAlertSourceByName​(Partition partition,
                                                                   String name)
        Get the ProcessServerAlertSource by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The ProcessServerAlertSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessServerAlertSourceByUniqueId

        ProcessServerAlertSource getProcessServerAlertSourceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessServerAlertSource by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessServerAlertSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessServerCheckByUniqueId

        ProcessServerCheck getProcessServerCheckByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessServerCheck by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessServerCheck that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessServerCheckLogByUniqueId

        ProcessServerCheckLog getProcessServerCheckLogByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessServerCheckLog by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessServerCheckLog that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessServerLoadFactorByUniqueId

        ProcessServerLoadFactor getProcessServerLoadFactorByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessServerLoadFactor by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessServerLoadFactor that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessServerParameterByUniqueId

        ProcessServerParameter getProcessServerParameterByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessServerParameter by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessServerParameter that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessServerResourceByUniqueId

        ProcessServerResource getProcessServerResourceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessServerResource by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessServerResource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessServerServiceByUniqueId

        ProcessServerService getProcessServerServiceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessServerService by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessServerService that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getProcessServerStatusLogByUniqueId

        ProcessServerStatusLog getProcessServerStatusLogByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ProcessServerStatusLog by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ProcessServerStatusLog that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createPublishApproval

        PublishApproval createPublishApproval()
        Return a new instance of PublishApproval. All defaults will be set as documented PublishApproval.
        the newly instantiated PublishApproval
      • getPublishApprovalByUniqueId

        PublishApproval getPublishApprovalByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the PublishApproval by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The PublishApproval that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getPublishedWebServiceByWSName

        PublishedWebService getPublishedWebServiceByWSName​(String name,
                                                           Long branchedLLPVersion)
        Get the PublishedWebService by WSName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        branchedLLPVersion - the BranchedLLPVersion that must be in the key.
        The PublishedWebService that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getPublishedWebServiceByWSUnique

        PublishedWebService getPublishedWebServiceByWSUnique​(Long isolationGroup,
                                                             String name,
                                                             Long branchedLLPVersion)
        Get the PublishedWebService by WSUnique. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        isolationGroup - the IsolationGroup that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        branchedLLPVersion - the BranchedLLPVersion that must be in the key.
        The PublishedWebService that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getPublishedWebServiceByWSUnique

        PublishedWebService getPublishedWebServiceByWSUnique​(Long isolationGroup,
                                                             String name)
        Get the PublishedWebService by WSUnique. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getPublishedWebServiceByWSUnique(isolationGroup, name, com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObject.MASTER);
        isolationGroup - the IsolationGroup that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The PublishedWebService that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getPublishedWebServiceByWSUnique(Long, String, Long)
      • getPublishedWebServiceByUniqueId

        PublishedWebService getPublishedWebServiceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the PublishedWebService by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The PublishedWebService that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createPublishItem

        PublishItem createPublishItem()
        Return a new instance of PublishItem. All defaults will be set as documented PublishItem.
        the newly instantiated PublishItem
      • getPublishItemByJobDefinition

        PublishItem getPublishItemByJobDefinition​(JobDefinition jobDefinition)
        Get the PublishItem by JobDefinition. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        jobDefinition - the JobDefinition that must be in the key.
        The PublishItem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getPublishItemByUniqueId

        PublishItem getPublishItemByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the PublishItem by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The PublishItem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createQueryCondition

        QueryCondition createQueryCondition()
        Return a new instance of QueryCondition. All defaults will be set as documented QueryCondition.
        the newly instantiated QueryCondition
      • getQueryConditionByQueryCondition

        QueryCondition getQueryConditionByQueryCondition​(ObjectDefinition objectDefinition,
                                                         String name)
        Get the QueryCondition by QueryCondition. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        objectDefinition - the ObjectDefinition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The QueryCondition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getQueryConditionByUniqueId

        QueryCondition getQueryConditionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the QueryCondition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The QueryCondition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getQueryConditionValueByUniqueId

        QueryConditionValue getQueryConditionValueByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the QueryConditionValue by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The QueryConditionValue that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createQueryFilter

        QueryFilter createQueryFilter()
        Return a new instance of QueryFilter. All defaults will be set as documented QueryFilter.
        the newly instantiated QueryFilter
      • getQueryFilterByObjectDefinitionUserName

        QueryFilter getQueryFilterByObjectDefinitionUserName​(Subject ownerSubject,
                                                             ObjectDefinition objectDefinition,
                                                             String name)
        Get the QueryFilter by ObjectDefinitionUserName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        ownerSubject - the OwnerSubject that must be in the key.
        objectDefinition - the ObjectDefinition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The QueryFilter that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getQueryFilterByUniqueId

        QueryFilter getQueryFilterByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the QueryFilter by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The QueryFilter that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createQueue

        Queue createQueue()
        Return a new instance of Queue. All defaults will be set as documented Queue.
        the newly instantiated Queue
      • getQueueByName

        Queue getQueueByName​(Partition partition,
                             String name)
        Get the Queue by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Queue that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getQueueByName

        Queue getQueueByName​(String name)
        Get the Queue by Name. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getQueueByName(getPartitionSearchPath(), name);
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Queue that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getQueueByName(Partition, String)
      • getQueueByUniqueId

        Queue getQueueByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Queue by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Queue that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createQueueAlertSource

        QueueAlertSource createQueueAlertSource()
        Return a new instance of QueueAlertSource. All defaults will be set as documented QueueAlertSource.
        the newly instantiated QueueAlertSource
      • getQueueAlertSourceByName

        QueueAlertSource getQueueAlertSourceByName​(Partition partition,
                                                   String name)
        Get the QueueAlertSource by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The QueueAlertSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getQueueAlertSourceByUniqueId

        QueueAlertSource getQueueAlertSourceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the QueueAlertSource by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The QueueAlertSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getQueueAlertSourceStatusByUniqueId

        QueueAlertSourceStatus getQueueAlertSourceStatusByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the QueueAlertSourceStatus by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The QueueAlertSourceStatus that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getQueueProviderByUniqueId

        QueueProvider getQueueProviderByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the QueueProvider by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The QueueProvider that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createR2WCatalog

        R2WCatalog createR2WCatalog()
        Return a new instance of R2WCatalog. All defaults will be set as documented R2WCatalog.
        the newly instantiated R2WCatalog
      • getR2WCatalogByProcessServer

        R2WCatalog getR2WCatalogByProcessServer​(ProcessServer processServer)
        Get the R2WCatalog by ProcessServer. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        processServer - the ProcessServer that must be in the key.
        The R2WCatalog that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getR2WCatalogByName

        R2WCatalog getR2WCatalogByName​(Partition partition,
                                       String name)
        Get the R2WCatalog by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The R2WCatalog that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getR2WCatalogByUniqueId

        R2WCatalog getR2WCatalogByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the R2WCatalog by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The R2WCatalog that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getR2WCatalogAliasByUniqueR2WCatalog

        R2WCatalogAlias getR2WCatalogAliasByUniqueR2WCatalog​(String name)
        Get the R2WCatalogAlias by UniqueR2WCatalog. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The R2WCatalogAlias that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getR2WCatalogAliasByUniqueId

        R2WCatalogAlias getR2WCatalogAliasByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the R2WCatalogAlias by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The R2WCatalogAlias that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createRegistryEntry

        RegistryEntry createRegistryEntry()
        Return a new instance of RegistryEntry. All defaults will be set as documented RegistryEntry.
        the newly instantiated RegistryEntry
      • getRegistryEntryByNameParent

        RegistryEntry getRegistryEntryByNameParent​(String name,
                                                   RegistryEntry parentRegistryEntry)
        Get the RegistryEntry by NameParent. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        parentRegistryEntry - the ParentRegistryEntry that must be in the key.
        The RegistryEntry that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getRegistryEntryByUniqueId

        RegistryEntry getRegistryEntryByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the RegistryEntry by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The RegistryEntry that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getRELEntryPointByUniqueId

        RELEntryPoint getRELEntryPointByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the RELEntryPoint by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The RELEntryPoint that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createRemoteSystem

        RemoteSystem createRemoteSystem()
        Return a new instance of RemoteSystem. All defaults will be set as documented RemoteSystem.
        the newly instantiated RemoteSystem
      • getRemoteSystemByName

        RemoteSystem getRemoteSystemByName​(Partition partition,
                                           String name)
        Get the RemoteSystem by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The RemoteSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getRemoteSystemByUniqueId

        RemoteSystem getRemoteSystemByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the RemoteSystem by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The RemoteSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createReport

        Report createReport()
        Return a new instance of Report. All defaults will be set as documented Report.
        the newly instantiated Report
      • getReportByJobDefinition

        Report getReportByJobDefinition​(JobDefinition jobDefinition)
        Get the Report by JobDefinition. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        jobDefinition - the JobDefinition that must be in the key.
        The Report that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getReportByUniqueId

        Report getReportByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Report by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Report that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getReportColumnByUniqueId

        ReportColumn getReportColumnByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ReportColumn by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ReportColumn that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getReportSelectionByUniqueId

        ReportSelection getReportSelectionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ReportSelection by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ReportSelection that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getReportSortByUniqueId

        ReportSort getReportSortByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the ReportSort by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The ReportSort that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createResource

        Resource createResource()
        Return a new instance of Resource. All defaults will be set as documented Resource.
        the newly instantiated Resource
      • getResourceByName

        Resource getResourceByName​(Partition partition,
                                   String name)
        Get the Resource by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Resource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getResourceByName

        Resource getResourceByName​(String name)
        Get the Resource by Name. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getResourceByName(getPartitionSearchPath(), name);
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Resource that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getResourceByName(Partition, String)
      • getResourceByUniqueId

        Resource getResourceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Resource by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Resource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPAbapProgramByUniqueId

        SAPAbapProgram getSAPAbapProgramByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPAbapProgram by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPAbapProgram that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPAbapProgramParameterByUniqueId

        SAPAbapProgramParameter getSAPAbapProgramParameterByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPAbapProgramParameter by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPAbapProgramParameter that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPAbapVariantByUniqueId

        SAPAbapVariant getSAPAbapVariantByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPAbapVariant by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPAbapVariant that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPAbapVariantParameterByUniqueId

        SAPAbapVariantParameter getSAPAbapVariantParameterByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPAbapVariantParameter by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPAbapVariantParameter that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPAbapVariantParameterValueByUniqueId

        SAPAbapVariantParameterValue getSAPAbapVariantParameterValueByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPAbapVariantParameterValue by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPAbapVariantParameterValue that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPAbapVariantSeloptByUniqueId

        SAPAbapVariantSelopt getSAPAbapVariantSeloptByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPAbapVariantSelopt by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPAbapVariantSelopt that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPAbapVariantSeloptValueByUniqueId

        SAPAbapVariantSeloptValue getSAPAbapVariantSeloptValueByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPAbapVariantSeloptValue by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPAbapVariantSeloptValue that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPApplicationServerByUniqueId

        SAPApplicationServer getSAPApplicationServerByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPApplicationServer by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPApplicationServer that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPApplicationServerGroupByUniqueId

        SAPApplicationServerGroup getSAPApplicationServerGroupByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPApplicationServerGroup by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPApplicationServerGroup that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPApplicationServerProviderByUniqueId

        SAPApplicationServerProvider getSAPApplicationServerProviderByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPApplicationServerProvider by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPApplicationServerProvider that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPArchiveDocumentTypeByUniqueId

        SAPArchiveDocumentType getSAPArchiveDocumentTypeByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPArchiveDocumentType by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPArchiveDocumentType that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPArchiveObjectByUniqueId

        SAPArchiveObject getSAPArchiveObjectByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPArchiveObject by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPArchiveObject that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPBAEConfigurationByUniqueId

        SAPBAEConfiguration getSAPBAEConfigurationByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPBAEConfiguration by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPBAEConfiguration that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createSAPBAEConnector

        SAPBAEConnector createSAPBAEConnector()
        Return a new instance of SAPBAEConnector. All defaults will be set as documented SAPBAEConnector.
        the newly instantiated SAPBAEConnector
      • getSAPBAEConnectorByName

        SAPBAEConnector getSAPBAEConnectorByName​(Partition partition,
                                                 String name)
        Get the SAPBAEConnector by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The SAPBAEConnector that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPBAEConnectorByUniqueId

        SAPBAEConnector getSAPBAEConnectorByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPBAEConnector by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPBAEConnector that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPBatchEventByUniqueId

        SAPBatchEvent getSAPBatchEventByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPBatchEvent by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPBatchEvent that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPCalendarByUniqueId

        SAPCalendar getSAPCalendarByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPCalendar by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPCalendar that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPExternalCommandByUniqueId

        SAPExternalCommand getSAPExternalCommandByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPExternalCommand by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPExternalCommand that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPInfoPackageByUniqueId

        SAPInfoPackage getSAPInfoPackageByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPInfoPackage by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPInfoPackage that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPInfoPackageGroupByUniqueId

        SAPInfoPackageGroup getSAPInfoPackageGroupByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPInfoPackageGroup by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPInfoPackageGroup that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPInfoPackageGroupStepByUniqueId

        SAPInfoPackageGroupStep getSAPInfoPackageGroupStepByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPInfoPackageGroupStep by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPInfoPackageGroupStep that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPJ2EEClientByUniqueId

        SAPJ2EEClient getSAPJ2EEClientByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPJ2EEClient by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPJ2EEClient that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPLanguageByUniqueId

        SAPLanguage getSAPLanguageByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPLanguage by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPLanguage that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPLogErrorByUniqueId

        SAPLogError getSAPLogErrorByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPLogError by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPLogError that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPMassActivityByUniqueId

        SAPMassActivity getSAPMassActivityByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPMassActivity by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPMassActivity that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPMassActivityFieldTableByUniqueId

        SAPMassActivityFieldTable getSAPMassActivityFieldTableByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPMassActivityFieldTable by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPMassActivityFieldTable that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPMassActivityFieldTableRowByUniqueId

        SAPMassActivityFieldTableRow getSAPMassActivityFieldTableRowByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPMassActivityFieldTableRow by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPMassActivityFieldTableRow that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPMassActivityLayoutFieldByUniqueId

        SAPMassActivityLayoutField getSAPMassActivityLayoutFieldByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPMassActivityLayoutField by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPMassActivityLayoutField that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPMassActivityObjectByUniqueId

        SAPMassActivityObject getSAPMassActivityObjectByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPMassActivityObject by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPMassActivityObject that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPMassActivityParameterByUniqueId

        SAPMassActivityParameter getSAPMassActivityParameterByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPMassActivityParameter by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPMassActivityParameter that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPMassActivityParameterSetByUniqueId

        SAPMassActivityParameterSet getSAPMassActivityParameterSetByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPMassActivityParameterSet by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPMassActivityParameterSet that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPMassActivityStructureByUniqueId

        SAPMassActivityStructure getSAPMassActivityStructureByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPMassActivityStructure by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPMassActivityStructure that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPNWCallbackVariantByUniqueId

        SAPNWCallbackVariant getSAPNWCallbackVariantByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPNWCallbackVariant by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPNWCallbackVariant that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPNWCallbackVariantDetailByUniqueId

        SAPNWCallbackVariantDetail getSAPNWCallbackVariantDetailByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPNWCallbackVariantDetail by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPNWCallbackVariantDetail that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPOutputDeviceByUniqueId

        SAPOutputDevice getSAPOutputDeviceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPOutputDevice by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPOutputDevice that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPOutputFormatByUniqueId

        SAPOutputFormat getSAPOutputFormatByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPOutputFormat by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPOutputFormat that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPPIChannelByUniqueId

        SAPPIChannel getSAPPIChannelByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPPIChannel by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPPIChannel that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPProcessChainByUniqueId

        SAPProcessChain getSAPProcessChainByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPProcessChain by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPProcessChain that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPProcessDefinitionByUniqueId

        SAPProcessDefinition getSAPProcessDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPProcessDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPProcessDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPProcessRestartByUniqueId

        SAPProcessRestart getSAPProcessRestartByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPProcessRestart by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPProcessRestart that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPRecipientByUniqueId

        SAPRecipient getSAPRecipientByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPRecipient by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPRecipient that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createSAPScript

        SAPScript createSAPScript()
        Return a new instance of SAPScript. All defaults will be set as documented SAPScript.
        the newly instantiated SAPScript
      • getSAPScriptByJobDefinition

        SAPScript getSAPScriptByJobDefinition​(JobDefinition jobDefinition)
        Get the SAPScript by JobDefinition. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        jobDefinition - the JobDefinition that must be in the key.
        The SAPScript that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPScriptByUniqueId

        SAPScript getSAPScriptByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPScript by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPScript that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPScriptAttributeByUniqueId

        SAPScriptAttribute getSAPScriptAttributeByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPScriptAttribute by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPScriptAttribute that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createSAPSystem

        SAPSystem createSAPSystem()
        Return a new instance of SAPSystem. All defaults will be set as documented SAPSystem.
        the newly instantiated SAPSystem
      • getSAPSystemByProcessServer

        SAPSystem getSAPSystemByProcessServer​(ProcessServer processServer)
        Get the SAPSystem by ProcessServer. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        processServer - the ProcessServer that must be in the key.
        The SAPSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPSystemByQueue

        SAPSystem getSAPSystemByQueue​(Queue queue)
        Get the SAPSystem by Queue. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        queue - the Queue that must be in the key.
        The SAPSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPSystemByName

        SAPSystem getSAPSystemByName​(Partition partition,
                                     String name)
        Get the SAPSystem by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The SAPSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPSystemByName

        SAPSystem getSAPSystemByName​(String name)
        Get the SAPSystem by Name. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getSAPSystemByName(getPartitionSearchPath(), name);
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The SAPSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getSAPSystemByName(Partition, String)
      • getSAPSystemByUniqueId

        SAPSystem getSAPSystemByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPSystem by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPSystem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPXALByUniqueId

        SAPXAL getSAPXALByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPXAL by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPXAL that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPXBPByUniqueId

        SAPXBP getSAPXBPByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPXBP by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPXBP that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPXBPEventRuleByUniqueId

        SAPXBPEventRule getSAPXBPEventRuleByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPXBPEventRule by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPXBPEventRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPXBPJobControlRuleByUniqueId

        SAPXBPJobControlRule getSAPXBPJobControlRuleByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPXBPJobControlRule by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPXBPJobControlRule that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSAPXMWByUniqueId

        SAPXMW getSAPXMWByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SAPXMW by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SAPXMW that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createScript

        Script createScript()
        Return a new instance of Script. All defaults will be set as documented Script.
        the newly instantiated Script
      • getScriptByJobDefinition

        Script getScriptByJobDefinition​(JobDefinition jobDefinition)
        Get the Script by JobDefinition. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        jobDefinition - the JobDefinition that must be in the key.
        The Script that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getScriptByUniqueId

        Script getScriptByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Script by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Script that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createService

        Service createService()
        Return a new instance of Service. All defaults will be set as documented Service.
        the newly instantiated Service
      • getServiceByName

        Service getServiceByName​(Partition partition,
                                 String name)
        Get the Service by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Service that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getServiceByName

        Service getServiceByName​(String name)
        Get the Service by Name. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getServiceByName(getPartitionSearchPath(), name);
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Service that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getServiceByName(Partition, String)
      • getServiceByUniqueId

        Service getServiceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Service by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Service that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createSoftwareGroup

        SoftwareGroup createSoftwareGroup()
        Return a new instance of SoftwareGroup. All defaults will be set as documented SoftwareGroup.
        the newly instantiated SoftwareGroup
      • getSoftwareGroupByUniqueId

        SoftwareGroup getSoftwareGroupByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SoftwareGroup by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SoftwareGroup that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSoftwareGroupByName

        SoftwareGroup getSoftwareGroupByName​(String name)
        Get the SoftwareGroup by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The SoftwareGroup that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSoftwareItemByUniqueId

        SoftwareItem getSoftwareItemByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SoftwareItem by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SoftwareItem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSoftwareItemByName

        SoftwareItem getSoftwareItemByName​(String name)
        Get the SoftwareItem by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The SoftwareItem that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getStatisticsByUniqueId

        Statistics getStatisticsByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Statistics by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Statistics that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createStatisticsSample

        StatisticsSample createStatisticsSample()
        Return a new instance of StatisticsSample. All defaults will be set as documented StatisticsSample.
        the newly instantiated StatisticsSample
      • getStatisticsSampleByUniqueId

        StatisticsSample getStatisticsSampleByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the StatisticsSample by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The StatisticsSample that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createSubject

        Subject createSubject()
        Return a new instance of Subject. All defaults will be set as documented Subject.
        the newly instantiated Subject
      • getSubjectByUniqueId

        Subject getSubjectByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Subject by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Subject that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSubjectByTypeName

        Subject getSubjectByTypeName​(SubjectType type,
                                     String name)
        Get the Subject by TypeName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        type - the Type that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Subject that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSubjectByTypeRemoteName

        Subject getSubjectByTypeRemoteName​(SubjectType type,
                                           String remoteName)
        Get the Subject by TypeRemoteName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        type - the Type that must be in the key.
        remoteName - the RemoteName that must be in the key.
        The Subject that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createSubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant

        SubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant createSubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant()
        Return a new instance of SubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant. All defaults will be set as documented SubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant.
        the newly instantiated SubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant
      • getSubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrantBySubjectGlobalPrivilegeLevelGrant

        SubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant getSubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrantBySubjectGlobalPrivilegeLevelGrant​(Subject granteeSubject,
                                                                                                     GlobalPrivilege grantedGlobalPrivilege)
        Get the SubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant by SubjectGlobalPrivilegeLevelGrant. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        granteeSubject - the GranteeSubject that must be in the key.
        grantedGlobalPrivilege - the GrantedGlobalPrivilege that must be in the key.
        The SubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrantByUniqueId

        SubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant getSubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrantByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSubjectIsolationGroupByUniqueId

        SubjectIsolationGroup getSubjectIsolationGroupByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SubjectIsolationGroup by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SubjectIsolationGroup that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createSubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant

        SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant createSubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant()
        Return a new instance of SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant. All defaults will be set as documented SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant.
        the newly instantiated SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant
      • getSubjectObjectPrivilegeGrantBySubjectSchedulerEntity

        SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant getSubjectObjectPrivilegeGrantBySubjectSchedulerEntity​(Subject granteeSubject,
                                                                                           ObjectDefinition objectDefinition,
                                                                                           Long objectUniqueId)
        Get the SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant by SubjectSchedulerEntity. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        granteeSubject - the GranteeSubject that must be in the key.
        objectDefinition - the ObjectDefinition that must be in the key.
        objectUniqueId - the ObjectUniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSubjectObjectPrivilegeGrantByUniqueId

        SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant getSubjectObjectPrivilegeGrantByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSubjectObjectTypePrivilegeGrantBySubjectObjectTypeLevelGrant

        SubjectObjectTypePrivilegeGrant getSubjectObjectTypePrivilegeGrantBySubjectObjectTypeLevelGrant​(Subject granteeSubject,
                                                                                                        ObjectDefinition objectDefinition,
                                                                                                        GrantLevel level,
                                                                                                        Long partitionOrIsolationGroupUniqueId)
        Get the SubjectObjectTypePrivilegeGrant by SubjectObjectTypeLevelGrant. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        granteeSubject - the GranteeSubject that must be in the key.
        objectDefinition - the ObjectDefinition that must be in the key.
        level - the Level that must be in the key.
        partitionOrIsolationGroupUniqueId - the PartitionOrIsolationGroupUniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SubjectObjectTypePrivilegeGrant that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createSubjectRoleGrant

        SubjectRoleGrant createSubjectRoleGrant()
        Return a new instance of SubjectRoleGrant. All defaults will be set as documented SubjectRoleGrant.
        the newly instantiated SubjectRoleGrant
      • getSubjectRoleGrantByUniqueId

        SubjectRoleGrant getSubjectRoleGrantByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SubjectRoleGrant by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SubjectRoleGrant that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSubjectRoleGrantBySubjectGrants

        SubjectRoleGrant getSubjectRoleGrantBySubjectGrants​(Subject granteeSubject,
                                                            Subject grantedSubject)
        Get the SubjectRoleGrant by SubjectGrants. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        granteeSubject - the GranteeSubject that must be in the key.
        grantedSubject - the GrantedSubject that must be in the key.
        The SubjectRoleGrant that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createSubmitFrame

        SubmitFrame createSubmitFrame()
        Return a new instance of SubmitFrame. All defaults will be set as documented SubmitFrame.
        the newly instantiated SubmitFrame
      • getSubmitFrameByName

        SubmitFrame getSubmitFrameByName​(Partition partition,
                                         String name)
        Get the SubmitFrame by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The SubmitFrame that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSubmitFrameByUniqueId

        SubmitFrame getSubmitFrameByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SubmitFrame by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SubmitFrame that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getSubmitFrameElementByUniqueId

        SubmitFrameElement getSubmitFrameElementByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the SubmitFrameElement by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The SubmitFrameElement that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createTable

        Table createTable()
        Return a new instance of Table. All defaults will be set as documented Table.
        the newly instantiated Table
      • getTableByName

        Table getTableByName​(Partition partition,
                             String name)
        Get the Table by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Table that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTableByName

        Table getTableByName​(String name)
        Get the Table by Name. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getTableByName(getPartitionSearchPath(), name);
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Table that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getTableByName(Partition, String)
      • getTableByUniqueId

        Table getTableByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Table by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Table that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createTableDefinition

        TableDefinition createTableDefinition()
        Return a new instance of TableDefinition. All defaults will be set as documented TableDefinition.
        the newly instantiated TableDefinition
      • getTableDefinitionByName

        TableDefinition getTableDefinitionByName​(Partition partition,
                                                 String name)
        Get the TableDefinition by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The TableDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTableDefinitionByUniqueId

        TableDefinition getTableDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the TableDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The TableDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTableDefinitionColumnByUniqueId

        TableDefinitionColumn getTableDefinitionColumnByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the TableDefinitionColumn by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The TableDefinitionColumn that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTableDefinitionConstraintByUniqueId

        TableDefinitionConstraint getTableDefinitionConstraintByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the TableDefinitionConstraint by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The TableDefinitionConstraint that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTableValueByUniqueId

        TableValue getTableValueByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the TableValue by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The TableValue that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createTimeWindow

        TimeWindow createTimeWindow()
        Return a new instance of TimeWindow. All defaults will be set as documented TimeWindow.
        the newly instantiated TimeWindow
      • getTimeWindowByName

        TimeWindow getTimeWindowByName​(Partition partition,
                                       String name)
        Get the TimeWindow by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The TimeWindow that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTimeWindowByUniqueId

        TimeWindow getTimeWindowByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the TimeWindow by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The TimeWindow that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTimeWindowElementByUniqueId

        TimeWindowElement getTimeWindowElementByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the TimeWindowElement by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The TimeWindowElement that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createTimeZone

        TimeZone createTimeZone()
        Return a new instance of TimeZone. All defaults will be set as documented TimeZone.
        the newly instantiated TimeZone
      • getTimeZoneByUniqueId

        TimeZone getTimeZoneByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the TimeZone by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The TimeZone that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTimeZoneByName

        TimeZone getTimeZoneByName​(String name)
        Get the TimeZone by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The TimeZone that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTimeZoneByOlsonName

        TimeZone getTimeZoneByOlsonName​(String olsonName)
        Get the TimeZone by OlsonName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        olsonName - the OlsonName that must be in the key.
        The TimeZone that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTranslationByUniqueId

        Translation getTranslationByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Translation by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Translation that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createTranslationKey

        TranslationKey createTranslationKey()
        Return a new instance of TranslationKey. All defaults will be set as documented TranslationKey.
        the newly instantiated TranslationKey
      • getTranslationKeyByUniqueId

        TranslationKey getTranslationKeyByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the TranslationKey by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The TranslationKey that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTranslationKeyByKey

        TranslationKey getTranslationKeyByKey​(String key)
        Get the TranslationKey by Key. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        key - the Key that must be in the key.
        The TranslationKey that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createTrigger

        Trigger createTrigger()
        Return a new instance of Trigger. All defaults will be set as documented Trigger.
        the newly instantiated Trigger
      • getTriggerByTriggerPoint

        Trigger getTriggerByTriggerPoint​(TriggerPoint triggerPoint)
        Get the Trigger by TriggerPoint. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        triggerPoint - the TriggerPoint that must be in the key.
        The Trigger that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTriggerByName

        Trigger getTriggerByName​(Partition partition,
                                 String name)
        Get the Trigger by Name. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        partition - the Partition that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Trigger that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTriggerByName

        Trigger getTriggerByName​(String name)
        Get the Trigger by Name. Calling this method is equivalent to calling:
           getTriggerByName(getPartitionSearchPath(), name);
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The Trigger that is uniquely identified by the key.
        See Also:
        getTriggerByName(Partition, String)
      • getTriggerByUniqueId

        Trigger getTriggerByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the Trigger by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The Trigger that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getTriggerSourceByUniqueId

        TriggerSource getTriggerSourceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the TriggerSource by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The TriggerSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createUserMessage

        UserMessage createUserMessage()
        Return a new instance of UserMessage. All defaults will be set as documented UserMessage.
        the newly instantiated UserMessage
      • getUserMessageByUniqueId

        UserMessage getUserMessageByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the UserMessage by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The UserMessage that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getUserMessageAttachmentByUniqueId

        UserMessageAttachment getUserMessageAttachmentByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the UserMessageAttachment by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The UserMessageAttachment that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createUserMessageDefinition

        UserMessageDefinition createUserMessageDefinition()
        Return a new instance of UserMessageDefinition. All defaults will be set as documented UserMessageDefinition.
        the newly instantiated UserMessageDefinition
      • getUserMessageDefinitionByJobDefinition

        UserMessageDefinition getUserMessageDefinitionByJobDefinition​(JobDefinition jobDefinition)
        Get the UserMessageDefinition by JobDefinition. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        jobDefinition - the JobDefinition that must be in the key.
        The UserMessageDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getUserMessageDefinitionByUniqueId

        UserMessageDefinition getUserMessageDefinitionByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the UserMessageDefinition by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The UserMessageDefinition that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getUserMessageHistoryByUniqueId

        UserMessageHistory getUserMessageHistoryByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the UserMessageHistory by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The UserMessageHistory that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getUserMessageParticipantByUniqueId

        UserMessageParticipant getUserMessageParticipantByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the UserMessageParticipant by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The UserMessageParticipant that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • createVisualizationAlert

        VisualizationAlert createVisualizationAlert()
        Return a new instance of VisualizationAlert. All defaults will be set as documented VisualizationAlert.
        the newly instantiated VisualizationAlert
      • getVisualizationAlertByOwnerName

        VisualizationAlert getVisualizationAlertByOwnerName​(Subject ownerSubject,
                                                            String name)
        Get the VisualizationAlert by OwnerName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        ownerSubject - the OwnerSubject that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The VisualizationAlert that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getVisualizationAlertByUniqueId

        VisualizationAlert getVisualizationAlertByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the VisualizationAlert by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The VisualizationAlert that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getVisualizationAlertSourceByUniqueId

        VisualizationAlertSource getVisualizationAlertSourceByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the VisualizationAlertSource by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The VisualizationAlertSource that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getVisualizationProcessServerQueueByOwnerName

        VisualizationProcessServerQueue getVisualizationProcessServerQueueByOwnerName​(Subject ownerSubject,
                                                                                      String name)
        Get the VisualizationProcessServerQueue by OwnerName. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        ownerSubject - the OwnerSubject that must be in the key.
        name - the Name that must be in the key.
        The VisualizationProcessServerQueue that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getVisualizationPSQQueueByUniqueId

        VisualizationPSQQueue getVisualizationPSQQueueByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the VisualizationPSQQueue by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The VisualizationPSQQueue that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getVisualizationPSQTextByUniqueId

        VisualizationPSQText getVisualizationPSQTextByUniqueId​(Long uniqueId)
        Get the VisualizationPSQText by UniqueId. Note that the value returned by this method may be a deleted object if the object has been deleted in this session.
        uniqueId - the UniqueId that must be in the key.
        The VisualizationPSQText that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • setReason

        void setReason​(String reason)
        Set the reason for the current modification.
        reason - the reason for the change.
      • getReason

        String getReason()
        Get the reason for the current modification. Can be null.
        the reason for the change.
      • needsReason

        boolean needsReason​(SchedulerEntity entity)
        Determine if a reason is required.
        entity - the entity to check for the reason requirement.
        true if it requires a reason, otherwise false.
      • createEnumResolver

        EnumResolver createEnumResolver()
        Create an EnumResolver to resolve enumerations from their type.
        the EnumResolver
      • wrap

        Throwable wrap​(Throwable t)
        Wrap the Throwable t to have correct line numbers.
        t - the exception to wrap
        a wrapped Throwable
      • getStackTrace

        String getStackTrace​(Throwable t)
        Get the stack trace for the Throwable. This stack trace will automatically have user line number code correction applied.
        t - the exception.
        the (potentially corrected) stack trace.
      • createReporter

        Reporter createReporter​(Writer writer)
        Create a reporter for making reports, attached to this session and the specified writer.
        writer - the writer to write to.
        a reporter attached to this session.
      • inRange

        boolean inRange​(int candidate,
                        String rangeExp)
        Test to see if a value is within a range. Ranges are made up of comma separated sections, each of which is a number (eg. 1) or a range of numbers (eg. 4-7). All numbers specified are in the range, other numbers are not.
        candidate - the value to test.
        rangeExp - the valid range expression
        true if the candidate is within the range, otherwise false.
      • inSet

        boolean inSet​(int candidate,
                      String setExp)
        Test to see if a value is in a specified set.

        Example sets:

        table of examples
        First month of the quarter X__X__X__X__J__A__M__O__
        Last month of the quarter __X__X__X__X__M__J__S__D
        Not last month of the quarterXX_XX_XX_XX_JF_AM_JA_ON_
        Monday, Wednesday, Friday _X_X_X__M_W_F_
        Saturday, Sunday X_____XS_____S
        candidate - the value to test.
        setExp - the valid set expression
        true if the candidate is within the set, otherwise false.
      • deleteObjects

        int deleteObjects​(Iterator<? extends SchedulerEntity> schedulerEntities)
        Mark all objects returned by an RWIterable for deletion.

        This is a utility method which will safely mark objects returned by an iterator for deletion. When it returns all these objects will be marked for deletion as if SchedulerEntity.deleteObject() had been invoked on them.

        schedulerEntities - an iterator over the SchedulerEntity instances to mark for deletion.
        the number of objects returned by the iterator and marked for deletion.
        ClassCastException - This will be thrown if any of the objects returned by the iterator do not implement the SchedulerEntity interface.
      • getChangedObjects

        RWIterable<SchedulerEntity> getChangedObjects​(Iterator<ObjectDefinition> objectDefinitions,
                                                      DateTimeZone start,
                                                      DateTimeZone end,
                                                      Subject[] users)
        Obtain all changed SchedulerEntities after start and/or before end and/or changed by users for a given List of ObjectDefinitions.
        Specified by:
        getChangedObjects in interface SchedulerSessionComp
        objectDefinitions - Iterator with ObjectDefinitions to search, when null all ObjectDefinitions will be searched.
        start - When not null, only changes are reported after this DateTimeZone
        end - When not null, only changes are reported before this DateTimeZone
        users - When not null, only changes are reported which were made by the Subject(s)
        RWIterable containing all changed SchedulerEntities
      • toSearchCase

        String toSearchCase​(String s)
        Convert the a string into 'search case', the case used for all columns with names starting with Search, suitable for calling methods that search on these columns.
        s - The string to convert.
        the converted string.
      • logModifiedObjects

        void logModifiedObjects​(Logger aLog,
                                String aPrefix)
        Log the current modified object to the logger in the format of the transaction dump
        aLog - is the logger where the dump will be written to at debug category
        aPrefix - is the prefix to use while logging the transaction lines
      • getDocumentByFullPath

        Document getDocumentByFullPath​(String fullPath)
        Get the Document by FullPath. This method will not return an object that has been deleted in this session. If there are multiple objects in the session that would match the filter then one of them will be randomly returned. Note that this would mean that the current session could not be persisted.
        fullPath - the FullPath that must be in the key.
        The Document that is uniquely identified by the key.
      • getRuntimeClass

        RuntimeClass getRuntimeClass​(String objectType)
        Get the runtime entity type information for the given object-type.
        objectType - The OBJECT_TYPE of a SchedulerEntity (f.e. TimeWindow.OBJECT_TYPE)
        The runtime entity type information.
      • getRuntimeClasses

        List<RuntimeClass> getRuntimeClasses()
        Returns an immutable list with all runtime classes
        Immutable list with RuntimeClass instances
      • getSchedulerEntityByObjectTypeUniqueId

        SchedulerEntity getSchedulerEntityByObjectTypeUniqueId​(String objectType,
                                                               Long uniqueId)
        Get a scheduler entity by object type and unique id. This will first look directly in the session cache and only then go to the database.
        objectType - The OBJECT_TYPE of a SchedulerEntity (f.e. TimeWindow.OBJECT_TYPE), must not be null.
        uniqueId - The Unique Id, must not be null.
        The scheduler entity.
      • getSchedulerEntityByObjectTypeUniqueId

        <T extends SchedulerEntity> T getSchedulerEntityByObjectTypeUniqueId​(QueryObjectType<T> type,
                                                                             Long uniqueId)
        Get a scheduler entity by object type and unique id. This will first look directly in the session cache and only then go to the database.
        type - The TYPE of a SchedulerEntity (f.e. TimeWindow.TYPE), must not be null.
        uniqueId - The Unique Id, must not be null.
        The scheduler entity.
      • getSchedulerEntitiesByObjectTypeUniqueIdIterator

        <T> RWIterable<SchedulerEntity> getSchedulerEntitiesByObjectTypeUniqueIdIterator​(String objectType,
                                                                                         Collection<T> uniqueIds,
                                                                                         Mapping<T,​Long> mapping)
        Get a collection of objects of the same type by UniqueId. The objects that are passed in through the uniqueIds parameter can be modified by a mapping function, so that some for of container object could be passed through, and the mapping can convert from the container to the desired uniqueId.
        Specified by:
        getSchedulerEntitiesByObjectTypeUniqueIdIterator in interface SchedulerSessionComp
        objectType - The type of object that we wish to retrieve from the database
        uniqueIds - A list of objects that can be used to generate the UniqueIds to retrieve from the database
        mapping - a Mapping function from the objects in uniqueIds that are passed in, to the UniqueIds that are in the database. If this is null, then uniqueIds is assumed to be a collection of Longs.
        an RWIterable over the objects that were found
      • getSchedulerEntitiesByObjectTypeUniqueIdIterator

        <S extends SchedulerEntity,​T> RWIterable<S> getSchedulerEntitiesByObjectTypeUniqueIdIterator​(QueryObjectType<S> type,
                                                                                                           Collection<T> uniqueIds,
                                                                                                           Mapping<T,​Long> mapping)
        Get a collection of objects of the same type by UniqueId. The objects that are passed in through the uniqueIds parameter can be modified by a mapping function, so that some for of container object could be passed through, and the mapping can convert from the container to the desired uniqueId.
        type - The type of object that we wish to retrieve from the database
        uniqueIds - A list of objects that can be used to generate the UniqueIds to retrieve from the database
        mapping - a Mapping function from the objects in uniqueIds that are passed in, to the UniqueIds that are in the database. If this is null, then uniqueIds is assumed to be a collection of Longs.
        an RWIterable over the objects that were found
      • getUniqueIdList

        List<Long> getUniqueIdList​(String alias,
                                   String query,
                                   Object[] parameters)
                            throws SchedulerAPIPersistenceException
        Return a list of uniqueIds returned by the query. This will also perform security optimizations where possible.
        alias - The alias of the object type for which uniqueIds need to be returned
        query - The query to determine the uniqueIds
        parameters - The parameters to pass to the query
        A list of uniqueIds matched by the query
        SchedulerAPIPersistenceException - If there is a error while executing the query
      • getSubjectManager

        SubjectManager getSubjectManager()
        Get a SubjectManager for searching and importing users.
        SubjectManager for searching and importing users.
      • getContextURL

        String getContextURL()
        Get the context URL. If available this will return the user's URL used to access the system
        the context URL, e.g. http://host:port/redwood.
      • getContextPath

        String getContextPath()
        Get the context Path - if available this will return the user's URI context path to access the system
        the context URL Path, e.g. /redwood.
      • getShareableContextURL

        String getShareableContextURL()
        Get the shareable context URL - this returns the configured URL that is the public URL of the system
        the context URL, e.g. http://host:port/scheduler.
      • getShareableContextPath

        String getShareableContextPath()
        Get the shareable context path - this returns the configured context path that is the public context path of the system
        the context URI, e.g. /redwood.
      • setRollback

        void setRollback​(boolean doRollback)
        When doRollback is set to true then nothing is persisted when persist is called. The dirty list will be written and all the dependency checks will be performed in the database but no persist will be carried out. This way a mock persist can be performed to observe what errors may arise from a real persist.
        doRollback - set to true to rollback instead of a persist when persist is called and set to false to actually perform a persist. Default value is false.
      • isReadOnly

        boolean isReadOnly()
        Is the session read-only? (At least no new changes are allowed).
        true if the session is read only.
      • getMemoryTableByName

        Table getMemoryTableByName​(String tableName)
        Get memory table by name, uses GLOBAL as default partition.
        tableName - Name of table
        Table if found, null otherwise.
        See Also:
      • getMemoryTableByName

        Table getMemoryTableByName​(Partition partition,
                                   String tableName)
        Gets the memory table by name, returns table by partition and name. Returns null if not found and null if the table is not an in-memory table.
        partition - Partition
        tableName - Name of table
        Memory table if found, null otherwise.
      • getObjectDefinitionNameByUniqueId

        String getObjectDefinitionNameByUniqueId​(Long objectDefinitionUniqueId)
        Get an Object Definition Name using its Unique Id. This will use an internal cache that is much faster than going to the persistence layer.
        objectDefinitionUniqueId - the unique id of the object definition.
        the name of the object definition.
      • getObjectDefinitionUniqueIdByName

        Long getObjectDefinitionUniqueIdByName​(String name)
        Get the uniqueID of the ObjectDefinition with the specified name.
        name - name of the ObjectDefinition
        the uniqueId of the ObjectDefinition
      • getCurrentGlobalExecutionCount

        long getCurrentGlobalExecutionCount()
        Return the number of concurrent user jobs that are in an active status. Parent jobs and jobs in status Console are not considered to be active. This number can be used to compare against license item ProcessServerService.GlobalExecution.limit.
        the number of concurrent jobs