Interface ListDirectoryResult

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ListDirectoryResult
    extends Serializable
    A single item that is the result of a ListDirectory.
    • Method Detail

      • getContext

        FileProviderContext getContext()
        Get the context for this result.
        the context of the result.
      • getDescription

        String getDescription​(SchedulerSession session)
        Get the (translated) description for this result.
        session - the session to translate the values
        the translated description
      • getName

        String getName()
        Get the base name of the file or directory that was found.
        the full path name of the item.
      • getPath

        String getPath()
        Get the path of the file or directory that was found. If the item is a symbolic link that refers to a different name, this will return the full path of the target of the link.
        the full path name of the item.
      • getIsDirectory

        boolean getIsDirectory()
        Is the path a directory?
        true if the path is a directory.
      • getHasSubDirectory

        boolean getHasSubDirectory()
        Does the path have sub-directories?
        true if the path has at least one sub-directory.
      • getSize

        long getSize()
        Size of the file or directory, in bytes.
        size of the file or directory.
      • getModificationTime

        DateTimeZone getModificationTime()
        Modification time of the item.
        Modification time.
      • getAccessTime

        DateTimeZone getAccessTime()
        Access time of the item.
        Access time.
      • getOwner

        String getOwner()
        String describing the item owner. The actual content is dependent on the underlying operating system. For example, if the originating server is a UNIX system this will contain 'owner group'.
      • getProtection

        String getProtection()
        String describing the item protection. The actual content is dependent on the underlying operating system. For example, if the originating server is a UNIX system this will contain a mode string, for example 'rwxrw-r--'.
      • getInputStream

        InputStream getInputStream​(SchedulerSession session,
                                   int offset,
                                   int length)
        Get an input stream to the file contents.
        session - the scheduler session
        offset - the offset to start at
        length - the length to read
        an input stream for the file
      • getInputStream

        InputStream getInputStream​(SchedulerSession session,
                                   Logger log,
                                   RWIterable<ListDirectoryResult> results,
                                   int offset,
                                   int length)
        Get an input stream to the file contents.
        session - the scheduler session
        log - the logger
        results - if this method is called to generate a file for the zip in the GetSupportFiles functionality, this parameter can be used to retrieve information about other ListDirectoryResult's that are included in the zip
        offset - the offset to start at
        length - the length to read
        an input stream for the file
      • getInputStream

        InputStream getInputStream​(SchedulerSession session)
        Get an input stream to the file contents.
        session - the scheduler session
        an input stream for the file
      • getInputStream

        InputStream getInputStream​(SchedulerSession session,
                                   Logger log,
                                   RWIterable<ListDirectoryResult> results)
        Get an input stream to the file contents.
        session - the scheduler session
        log - the logger
        results - if this method is called to generate a file for the zip in the GetSupportFiles functionality, this parameter can be used to retrieve information about other ListDirectoryResult's that are included in the zip
        an input stream for the file
      • cleanup

        default void cleanup()
        Cleans up any temporary data.