The jsecret executable is a platform agent tool. It creates an encrypted connection file which acts like password file, containing all the necessary information to connect to the central Redwood Server, like username, password, hostname and port of the central Redwood Server. These connection files can be used by various platform agent tools such as jevent.
It can also be used to generate a shared secret, which is used by the platform agent and the central Redwood Server to ensure the desired process server, from the desired central Redwood Server, is connected to the desired platform agent.
The authentication method to use for the proxy; <method> can be either basic (default) or none when the proxy server requires no authentication
The URL of the target system, such as http[s]://<hostname>:<port>/<context>, for example
Proxy Settings
The following environment variables are used to retrieve proxy server connection details:
HTTP_PROXY - The URL to the proxy server,
PROXY_USER - The user for the proxy server, ignored if HTTP_PROXY is not set
PROXY_PASSWORD - The password for the proxy user, ignored if HTTP_PROXY is not set
NO_PROXY - Enforce a direct connection
These environment variables override the settings in the connection file for all tools that connect to the central Redwood server.
Generating a Shared Secret File
jsecret -n <filename>
Create a shared secret
path to the file
Generating a proxy_url_password secret file
jsecret -p <filename>
Create a file containing the password to the proxy server as defined in the proxy_url configuration file. You move the output file of this command to proxy_url_password and store it in the private directory for your platform agent instance.
The proxy_url and proxy_url_password files can contain more than one URL/password in a comma-separated list. See Configuring Platform Agents for more information.