interface |
AdHocAlertSource |
An alert source for ad-hoc alerts
interface |
AlertEscalation |
Alert escalation channel
interface |
AlertGateway |
An alert gateway
interface |
AlertSource |
An alert source
interface |
Application |
A nested grouping of objects forming an application.
interface |
ApplicationObject |
ApplicationObjects are all those objects which can belong to an Application.
interface |
AuditObject |
The audit record object for logging changes and performing restoration of changed objects.
interface |
AuditRule |
The rule for how objects should be audited.
interface |
AuditSubjectLogin |
interface |
BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObject |
Objects which can be branched, must have a unique name, and can belong to an Application.
interface |
ConstraintDefinition |
The definition of a Constraint.
interface |
Credential |
A Credential for a given protocol, endpoint and user to enable access to an external system.
interface |
CredentialProtocol |
A protocol used to access an external system.
interface |
Dashboard |
Defines the layout for a dashboard page
A dashboard defines the layout and content for a dashboard page.
interface |
Database |
Stores the configuration for a Database object, these are used to provide settings for the Redwood JDBC pool.
interface |
DatumDefinition |
MetaMetaData describes the metadata that is associated with another object.
interface |
Document |
An object for storing arbitrary documentation (as a byte stream).
interface |
EmailAlertGateway |
An email alert gateway
interface |
EventDefinition |
Events are signals for jobs to start execution.
interface |
Export |
An export of a set of objects.
interface |
ExportRuleSet |
Set of rules that define what should be included in an export.
interface |
ExtensionPoint |
An extension point is used to provide a custom entry point to generate results.
interface |
Format |
Type of output that is generated by the job.
interface |
GlobalPrivilege |
Global security privileges.
interface |
Import |
An import of a set of objects.
interface |
ImportRuleDefinition |
Implementation for an import match or override.
interface |
ImportRuleSet |
A set of rules that can be applied during an import.
interface |
ImportSource |
Source from which objects to import can be retrieved.
interface |
IsolationGroup |
Isolation groups are used to isolate the view a subject has of the system.
interface |
JobChain |
Chain definition.
interface |
JobDefinition |
A job definition defines what a job does.
interface |
JobDefinitionAlertSource |
An alert raised by a job definition
interface |
JobDefinitionParameterSubType |
The sub type of the job definition parameter.
interface |
JobDefinitionRelatedObject |
All objects which are directly related to a JobDefinition must inherit from this class.
interface |
JobDefinitionType |
The type of a job definition.
interface |
JobDefinitionWithSource |
This is used for JobDefinitionTypes that have source.
interface |
JobGroup |
Common data for a set of similar jobs.
interface |
JobLock |
Locks define which jobs can and cannot run together
To prevent jobs running concurrently - for example, when two or more jobs need access
to the same system resource, such as a tape unit, you can define job locks.
interface |
LDAPProfile |
A set of LDAP configuration properties for managing user authentication and authorisation.
interface |
Library |
A library dependency for a script.
interface |
LicenseKey |
License Keys
interface |
LinkableMonitor |
Superclass for monitors that can be linked to.
interface |
MailConnector |
E-Mail connection settings.
interface |
ModuleState |
This class is used by modules to record the state of their data in the model
interface |
Monitor |
Alert monitors show a hierarchical user-defined view of the status of the system
The alert system shows a hierarchical view of the wellness of the system.
interface |
MonitorAlertSource |
An alert raised by a Monitor Node
interface |
MonitorCheck |
Shows which monitor conditions use which monitor values
If the monitor check refers to a local object, it must define a business key.
interface |
MonitorLink |
Monitor that links to a linkedmonitor
A monitorlink is used to reuse a part of the monitor tree in several locations by
linking to them.
interface |
MonitorNode |
Monitor that can contain sub-nodes
interface |
NamedRootObject |
An object which has a Name, comment and description.
interface |
NavigationBar |
Defines a custom navigation bar
A navigation bar defines the layout and content for a custom navigation bar.
interface |
ObjectReference |
Object Reference
A link from the source object to the linked object.
interface |
ObjectSearch |
Object Search definition.
interface |
ObjectTagDefinition |
An ObjectTagDefinition has a name and can be used as meta data for PartitionableObjects.
interface |
OperatorMessage |
A message created by the application or the system to inform the operator
A message can be informational or it can require an answer.
interface |
OraAppsSystem |
Settings relating to a Oracle Applications System.
interface |
OracleConnection |
Show all Oracle connections that are present.
interface |
OraOhiSystem |
Settings relating to a Oracle Health Insurance System.
interface |
Partition |
Partitions separate their contained objects according to security and visibility characteristics.
interface |
PartitionableObject |
All partitionable objects
Base class for objects that have a partition.
interface |
PartitionableRootObject |
All unnamed partitionable objects
Base class for objects that have a partition but not a name.
interface |
PeopleSoftSystem |
Settings relating to a Oracle PeopleSoft System.
interface |
PeriodFunction |
A period function is used to define which days in the month a time window interval is open.
interface |
ProcessMonitor |
The Process Monitor for high-level process automation.
interface |
ProcessMonitorDefinition |
The definition for a Process Monitor for high-level process automation.
interface |
ProcessServer |
A process server contains services that run jobs.
interface |
ProcessServerAlertSource |
An alert raised by a process server
interface |
PublishItem |
An item to be published to the reporting server
interface |
QueryCondition |
Condition that can be used to to filter objects.
interface |
QueryFilter |
The queryFilter is used to create a filter for the ObjectType it refers to.
interface |
Queue |
Queue to which jobs are assigned
A queue is a logical grouping of jobs.
interface |
QueueAlertSource |
An alert raised by a queue
interface |
R2WCatalog |
The details of the remote R2W catalog.
interface |
RegistryEntry |
Registry entry storing product-specific configuration settings.
interface |
RemoteSystem |
Remote System describes another scheduler instance that this system cann connect to or receive connections from.
interface |
Report |
The definition of a Report
interface |
Resource |
Resource needed by scripts and provided by process servers
Static resources are used for the assignment of jobs to process servers.
interface |
RestrictedSchedulerSessionSpecification |
The specifications for a restricted scheduler session
interface |
SAPBAEConnector |
SAP Business Application Enabler connection settings.
interface |
SAPScript |
SAP Script
interface |
SAPSystem |
Settings relating to a SAP System.
interface |
Script |
This covers all of the JobDefinitionTypes that run "natively" on a system.
interface |
Service |
A Service is responsible processing JobDefinitions of a specific JobDefinitionType.
interface |
SoftwareGroup |
Files are grouped, making this a placeholder object.
interface |
StatisticsSample |
Deprecated Class, do not use.
interface |
Subject |
The list of subjects of security decisions.
interface |
SubjectGlobalPrivilegeGrant |
A mapping of which global privileges a subject has been granted.
interface |
SubjectGrant |
Common base-class for the privileges and roles that are assigned to a subject.
interface |
SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant |
A mapping of which privileges on an object have been granted to which subject.
interface |
SubjectObjectTypePrivilegeGrant |
A mapping of which privileges a subject has been granted to all objects of a given type.
interface |
SubjectPrivilegeGrant |
Common interface for grants of privileges.
interface |
SubjectRoleGrant |
A mapping of which User Subject has granted which Role Subject to which Subject.
interface |
SubmitFrame |
A submit frame controls how often a job is resubmitted.
interface |
Table |
A user defined table.
interface |
TableDefinition |
A table definition for a user or system defined table.
interface |
TimeWindow |
Represents a period in time [start-moment, end-moment) defined as a union of TimeWindowIntervals.
interface |
TimeZone |
A Time Zone.
interface |
Trigger |
A library dependency for a script.
interface |
UniqueNamedApplicationObject |
Objects which must have a unique name and can belong to an Application.
interface |
UserMessage |
The UserMessage object for information pertaining to the User Message in the Process Monitor.
interface |
UserMessageDefinition |
A user message job definition for cooperation
interface |
Visualization |
Abstract base class for visualizations using applets
A Visualization defines user settings and content for an applet
interface |
VisualizationAlert |
The visualization of alert sources, escalations and addresses
interface |
VisualizationProcessServerQueue |
The visualization of process servers and queues
interface |
WrappedJob |
Abstract base-class for objects that wrap a job internally.