Class Period

    • Constructor Detail

      • Period

        public Period​(TimeZone newBeginTimeZone,
                      long newBeginMillis,
                      TimeZone newEndTimeZone,
                      long newEndMillis)
      • Period

        public Period​(TimeZone newTimeZone,
                      long newBeginMillis,
                      long newEndMillis)
      • Period

        public Period​(Period newPeriod)
    • Method Detail

      • contains

        public boolean contains​(DateTimeZone aDateTimeZone)
        Returns true if aDateTimeZone is contained in this period.
        aDateTimeZone - is the DateTimeZone to test.
        true if aDateTimeZone is contained in this period.
      • intersects

        public boolean intersects​(Period aPeriod)
        Returns true if there is an overlap between aPeriod and this period.
        aPeriod - is the period to test.
        true if there is an overlap between aPeriod and this period.
      • getEndMillis

        public long getEndMillis()
      • getEndTimeZone

        public TimeZone getEndTimeZone()
      • getBeginMillis

        public long getBeginMillis()
      • getBeginTimeZone

        public TimeZone getBeginTimeZone()
      • isBeginNull

        public boolean isBeginNull()
      • isEndNull

        public boolean isEndNull()
      • setEndMillis

        public void setEndMillis​(long newEndMillis)
      • setEnd

        public void setEnd​(TimeZone newEndTimeZone,
                           long newEndMillis)
      • setBeginMillis

        public void setBeginMillis​(long newBeginMillis)
      • setBegin

        public void setBegin​(TimeZone newBeginTimeZone,
                             long newBeginMillis)
      • setTimeZone

        public void setTimeZone​(TimeZone newTimeZone)
      • setBegin

        public void setBegin​(DateTimeZone newBegin)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object