Class LOVSupport

    • Field Detail

      • NoGetLOV

        public static final LOVSupport NoGetLOV
      • GetLOVQuery

        public static final LOVSupport GetLOVQuery
      • GetLOVQueryPrefix

        public static final LOVSupport GetLOVQueryPrefix
      • GetLOVAllowNew

        public static final LOVSupport GetLOVAllowNew
      • GetLOVQueryAllowNew

        public static final LOVSupport GetLOVQueryAllowNew
      • GetLOVQueryPrefixAllowNew

        public static final LOVSupport GetLOVQueryPrefixAllowNew
    • Method Detail

      • canGetLOV

        public boolean canGetLOV()
        Is an LOV available?
        true if an LOV can be retrieved, false otherwise
      • canQuery

        public boolean canQuery()
        Can the LOV be queried?
        true if the LOV can be queried with a search string (a string the user typed in), false otherwise.
      • isQueryPrefix

        public boolean isQueryPrefix()
        Is the query the prefix of the string?
        true if the LOV can be queried with a search string that starts at the beginning, false otherwise.
      • isNewValueAllowed

        public boolean isNewValueAllowed()
        Is a new value (one not in the LOV) allowed?
        true if a new value is allowed, false otherwise.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • valueOf

        public static LOVSupport valueOf​(String name)
        Get the LOV support for a string (opposite of toString()).
        name - LOV support level name.
        the constant or null if not found.