Interface ToolResultSetMetaData

    • Method Detail

      • getColumnCount

        int getColumnCount()
        Get the number of columns.
        the number of columns.
      • getColumnClassName

        String getColumnClassName​(int columnIndex)
        Get the class name for the specified column, columns start at 1. This corresponds to the <classname> tag in the XML format, the value is of the format:
        columnIndex - the column index, 1 based.
        the class name.
      • getColumnLabel

        String getColumnLabel​(int columnIndex)
        Get the label for the specified column, columns start at 1. This corresponds to the <label%gt; tag in the XML format, the value is either the same as the class name, or the alias specified in the SQL query.
        columnIndex - the column index, 1 based.
        the label.
      • getColumnTypeName

        String getColumnTypeName​(int columnIndex)
        Get the type for the specified column, columns start at 1. This corresponds to the <datatype%gt; tag in the XML format, the value is one of:
        • obj.<ObjectType> - Another object
        • Integer - A 64 bit integer (Java Long).
        • Number - A general number (Java BigDecimal).
        • DateTimeZone - A date with time zone. (Java String/Calendar or Redwood DateTimeZone object)
        • String - a String.
        columnIndex - the column index, 1 based.
        the type name.