Class SOAP

  • public final class SOAP
    extends Object
    SOAP support.
    • Create SOAPRequest instances
    • XML escaping
    • XML formatting
    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        public static String getVersion()
        Get the version number.
        the version number.
      • escapeXML10

        public static String escapeXML10​(String s)
        Escape the string for inclusion in XML 1.0.
        s - the string.
        the escaped string.
      • createSOAPRequest

        public static SOAPRequest createSOAPRequest()
        Create a SOAP request that is not tied to a job.
        a SOAP request.
      • createSOAPRequestFromJob

        public static SOAPRequest createSOAPRequestFromJob()
        Create a SOAP request that is tied to a job. Parameter Handling

        Tying the SOAP request to the job enables handling of job parameters:

        If the parameter is present, its value is used for the following purpose:
        • SOAP_URL - the SOAP URL
        • SOAP_Action - the SOAPAction HTTP header
        • JCS_USER - Use username for authentication
        • JCS_PASSWORD - Use password for authentication
        • SOAP_Header_X - Set header X

        If neither JCS_USER nor JCS_PASSWORD is present, no authentication is attempted.

        If JCS_USER is present and JCS_PASSWORD is present, they are used for HTTP Basic authentication.

        If JCS_USER is present and JCS_PASSWORD is not present, then credentials are used for HTTP Basic authentication. In this case, if JCS_USER is {virtual}:user then the user is looked up as a virtual user, otherwise it is looked up as a real user. The protocol is always SOAP, and the end point is the host name in the URL.

        Note that it is the presence of the parameters that determines behavior, not the values.

        a SOAP request.
      • prepareRemoteJob

        public static SOAPRemoteJob prepareRemoteJob​(String wsdlURL)
        Submit a job via SOAP on the remote server
        wsdlURL - the url of the submit request
        the result of the request