Interface PreExecutingActionScriptObject

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface PreExecutingActionScriptObject
    extends RestartableScriptObject
    This class provides methods to get the old values of Job attributes, and to control restarts of the trigger/action. Triggers and actions may fail if another user or the system updates the object. To ensure that they always run triggers and actions may be restarted. See RestartableScriptObject for more information. The old values of the following properties of the Job are available: This class has no properties.
    • Method Detail

      • getOldStatus

        JobStatus getOldStatus()
        Get the old status of the job, the status that this job was in before the action started.
        the old status.
      • getNewStatus

        JobStatus getNewStatus()
        Get the new status of the job, the status that this job will go into once this action completes (assuming that the action doesn't change the job).
        the new status.
      • setFailJobOnError

        void setFailJobOnError​(boolean newValue)
        Fail the job on error (default: true).
        Specified by:
        setFailJobOnError in interface RestartableScriptObject
        newValue - new value.