Interface RuntimeObject

    • Method Detail

      • setMemberValue

        boolean setMemberValue​(String name,
                               Object value)
        Will throw RunTimeException when: - RuntimeMemberClassCastException - when the value could not be cast to the expected ClassType. Note: When strictMode is disabled, it will still return false on failure.
        name - The member name
        value - The object value to set, which must be of the class-type described in RuntimeClass.getMemberType().
        false if the value could not be set.
      • getMemberValue

        Object getMemberValue​(String name)
        Get the member value
        name - The member name
        The member value
      • getMemberValues

        RuntimeListValue getMemberValues​(String name)
        Get the member collection value. Note: Will also return a valid RuntimeListValue for non collection members.
        name - The member name
        The members collection value
      • setStrictMode

        void setStrictMode​(boolean value)
        In strict mode RunTimeExceptions may be thrown when calling setMemberValue() or getMemberValue(), such as: - RuntimeMemberClassCastException - RuntimeMemberDoesNotExistException In case strict mode is disabled, the above exceptions will be repressed.
        value - The strict mode status