Class GetCountCallBack

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GetCountCallBack
    extends Object
    implements APIResultSetCallback
    Use for select count(*) from X queries, it stores the result of the count as int, which can be retrieved by calling getCount() after.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GetCountCallBack

        public GetCountCallBack()
    • Method Detail

      • callback

        public boolean callback​(ResultSet rs,
                                ObjectGetter objectGetter)
                         throws SQLException
        Description copied from interface: APIResultSetCallback
        Invoked for each result, provided that the previous invocation returned true.
        Specified by:
        callback in interface APIResultSetCallback
        rs - the result-set to process
        objectGetter - an object-getter with can be used to convert the result-set into one (or more) objects.
        true if this method should be invoked for the next result, false if subsequent results are to be discarded.
        SQLException - Exception thrown when a database-related error occurs
      • getCount

        public int getCount()