Interface ConstraintEntityParameter

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ConstraintEntityParameter
    extends Serializable
    A representation of a parameter of the entity to use for constraint evaluation. This representation may wrap one of the following:
    • a JobParameter, if the constraint is being evaluated in the context of a job.
    • a JobChainCallParameter, if the constraint is being evaluated in the job chain editor.
    • a TableValue, if the constraint is being evaluated in the context of a table.
    • Method Detail

      • getInValueString

        String getInValueString()
        Get the input value of this parameter if it is of type String.
        the String value.
      • getInValueNumber

        BigDecimal getInValueNumber()
        Get the input value of this parameter if it is of type Number.
        the Number value.
      • getInValueDate

        DateTimeZone getInValueDate()
        Get the input value of this parameter if it is of type Date.
        the Date value.
      • getInValue

        Object getInValue()
        Get the input value of this parameter.
        the value.
      • setInValue

        void setInValue​(Object newObject)
        Set the input value of this parameter as an object.
        newObject - the new value.
      • setInValueString

        void setInValueString​(String newString)
        Set the input value of this parameter as a string.
        newString - the new value.
      • getName

        String getName()
        Get the name of this parameter.
        the name.
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Get the description of this parameter. If the description is null, then the name will be returned.
        the description.
      • isArray

        boolean isArray()
        Returns true if this parameter is an array parameter.
        True if array parameter, false otherwise.